Student Resources
Student Organizations, Teams, and Clubs
To learn about involvement at Tarleton State, visit
- COANR Ambassadors – The College of Agriculture & Natural Resources Ambassadors are a select group of students dedicated to enhancing the image and recruitment of Tarleton’s College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. The Ambassadors serve the youth of the agriculture and natural resources industries across the nation in a variety of capacities such as youth camps, career fairs, discovery days, and more.
- COANR Graduate Student Association – The COANR Graduate Student Association (GSA) provides programs and services to enrich the graduate student experience and promotes, supports, and represents graduate student interests and values.
- Tarleton MANRRS – MANRRS provides undergraduate and graduate students access to valuable industry connections, internships, conferences, and opportunities for individuals pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, agriculture, mathematics, or related STEM careers.
Agricultural Education and Communication
- Agriculture Mechanics & Systems Management Club – The Tarleton Ag Mechanics Club is a group of agriculture enthusiasts seeking to educate and provide opportunities for students to engage in the Agricultural Mechanics Industry. They facilitate and help coordinate volunteers for Ag Mechanics shows at many of the major Texas shows including Houston and Fort Worth.
- Collegiate Farm Bureau – The Tarleton Collegiate Farm Bureau chapter exists to support students engaged in agriculture, enhance members’ education, and develop future leaders for Texas Farm Bureau and agriculture.
- Collegiate FFA – The Collegiate FFA is a national organization open to collegiate students interested in increasing their professional development as it relates to agricultural education. Membership is open to all university majors but is an integral and recommended part of university involvement for those students pursuing an agricultural science teaching certificate.
- Tarleton Agribusiness Club – The Tarleton Agribusiness Club is an organization dedicated to preparing students for the agribusiness career field, but we welcome all majors. Our meetings regularly feature guest speakers who work in the related industries and student presentations about their internships.
- Tarleton Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow – The Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow is a professional organization dedicated to the professional development of collegiate students seeking to speak the voice of agriculture. Agricultural communication and communication majors, as well as any university student, may join this organization and learn about all of the careers and aspects related to promoting the positive image of agriculture.
Animal Science
- Academic Quadrathlon – The Academic Quadrathlon is a competition held at the local, regional, and national levels. Teams of four are made up of university undergraduate students. Winning teams move up to the next level of competition. The national winning team is determined at the American Society of Animal Science national meeting in July.
- Block and Bridle – Block and Bridle is an agricultural, pre-professional organization focused on building leadership in the Tarleton and Stephenville communities as well as the agricultural community as a whole. If you have any interest in beef cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, dairy cattle, farming, animal breeding, veterinary medicine, meats, stock shows, showing, and all things animal science related, this club is for you.
- Dairy Cattle Club -The Tarleton Dairy Club is an agricultural organization whose purpose is to allow members to participate in activities and experiences that allow them to be active in the community, university, and in the dairy industry.
- Dairy Challenge Team – The Dairy Challenge is a competition that combines theory and learning to a real-world experience. This yearly competition is hosted regionally and nationally.
- Dairy Judging Team – The Dairy Judging Team at Tarleton State University provides its team members with the opportunity to evaluate and give sets of reasons over classes of dairy cattle.
- Equestrian Team – The Tarleton Equestrian Team is open to all Tarleton students of all riding levels interested in competing in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association. The IHSA includes Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences, Western Horsemanship, and Reining.
- Equine Bloodstock Club – The Tarleton State Equine Bloodstock Club is a club where students can gather to discuss genetics, breeding, raising, and marketing of young horses, and find ways to be involved in the equine industry as a possible future career path. Students have opportunities to gain more in-depth knowledge about equine genetics, tour breeding facilities, and attend horse sales as well as other equine events.
- Horse Judging Team – Participants evaluate classes of horses based on conformation and performance.
- Livestock Judging Team – Students involved with the Livestock Judging Team have the opportunity to learn the finer details of cattle, sheep, goat, and swine evaluation, while also enhancing their decision-making and communication skills.
- Meats Judging Team – Tarleton Meat Judging has frequently assisted in networking students with industry contacts for possibilities related to learning, research, and future employment within production agriculture. Students interested in participating on the team require no previous experience. They begin the training period in the fall with classes and outside instruction while attending several practice sessions at the Tarleton Meat Lab.
- Tarleton Pre-Veterinary Medical Association – The Tarleton Pre-Veterinary Medical Association aims to stimulate student interest in veterinary medicine, familiarize students with the expectations associated with pre-veterinary and veterinary education and the veterinary profession, and build strong friendships among pre-vet students. This association strives to improve scholarship and the quality of individuals entering professional programs at Colleges of Veterinary Medicine.
- Stock Horse Team – The Tarleton Stock Horse Team strives to provide an organization for horse-oriented students to improve their horsemanship skills, training abilities, and showmanship through educational clinics, practice sessions, and participation in the Stock Horse of Texas and Intercollegiate Stock Horse Competitions. We hope to allow all of our members to enhance their knowledge and horsemanship abilities.
- Texan Therapeutic Riding (TTR) – TTR is an equine-assisted therapeutic riding program at Tarleton State University that uses horseback riding as a form of therapy. We provide physical, mental, and emotional therapy in a fun environment that makes our clients want to participate. Animal-assisted activities improve self-confidence, self-awareness, and discipline. Equine-assisted activity is an effective treatment for many types of disabilities.
- Wool Judging Team – Members evaluate wool fleeces for fineness, length, and yield, and rank fleeces within a group.
Wildlife and Natural Resources
- Tarleton Entomological Society – The purpose of Tarleton Entomological Society is to support entomology-related projects and issues, promote the discipline of entomology, and provide opportunities for members to interact and learn
- Horticulture Club – The Horticulture Club is an organization for all university students interested in plants, gardening, and landscaping. It is the goal of the club to educate both its members and the public on sound horticultural practices, new plants, and new techniques.
- Intercollegiate Plant Identification Team – The purpose of a plant identification team is to teach students about plants and their importance to the environment and to wildlife and livestock.
- Intercollegiate Soil Judging Team – By surveying/judging soil properties such as color, texture, structure; horizon thickness; parent material(s); drainage characteristics; and landscape position, soil scientists can classify soils in the field to determine their suitability for human use.
- Prescribed Burn Society – The purpose of a collegiate prescribed burn society is to educate, train, and practice safe prescribed burning techniques.
- Student Chapter of the American Fisheries Society – The Student Chapter of The American Fisheries Society is to enhance the education and professional development of its members to help them become leading fisheries professionals dedicated to advancing the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems.
- Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society – The TSU Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society is a student-recognized chapter of the international organization, The Wildlife Society. Our student chapter is focused on giving our members hands-on opportunities to learn wildlife knowledge and educating the community on the importance of wildlife today. We strive to uphold the professionalism shown by our parent organization and prepare our members for a future in wildlife conservation
- Wildlife Quiz Bowl Team – The Quiz Bowl competition is a rigorous test of our students’ knowledge in wildlife ecology and management, involving more than memorizing facts about animals. Quiz Bowl competitors must demonstrate a broad, conceptual understanding of the myriad fields of expertise that a future wildlife biologist must study during training.
Greek Organizations
- Alpha Gamma Rho – AGR
- Alpha Zeta
- FarmHouse
- Sigma Alpha
University Resources
Warnings, Probations, and Suspensions in COANR
Study Abroad in COANR
- Czech Republic
- Nepal
- South Africa
- England
- Indonesia
To learn more about these opportunities, visit