During July and August Dr. Adam Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Entomology, partnered with the Fishers Island Conservancy to monitor moths and nocturnal insects on the island as part of their biodiversity surveys. The Fishers Island Conservancy, a non-profit organization where Dr. Mitchell also conducted his research during his Ph.D. program, partners with Fishers Island businesses, non-profit organizations and the government to preserve, enrich, and enhance the natural resources of Fishers Island and its surrounding waters. During his time there Dr. Mitchell monitored moths and nocturnal insects on the island as part of their biodiversity surveys.

Later during the summer, from August 14th-15th, Dr. Mitchell also attended the Texas Plant Conservation Conference at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas in Fort Worth. The Wildlife and Natural Resources Department was a sponsor of the conference, had a recruitment booth for Tarleton State University, and featured undergraduate and graduate research presented in poster form.