As an active learner, you play a crucial role in identifying and resolving technical issues that may arise in your courses. By taking a proactive approach to problem-solving, you can often address common challenges independently and save time when seeking assistance.

Here are some initial troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable and reliable internet connection.
  2. Update Your Browser: Make sure you are using the latest version of your web browser.
  3. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: This can sometimes resolve minor technical issues.
  4. Review Course Announcements: Important information and troubleshooting tips may be posted there.
  5. Check Your Course Materials: Verify that you have downloaded and installed any necessary software or plugins.

If these steps do not resolve your issue, you may need to consult with your instructor or relevant vendors. When contacting your instructor, please provide the following:

  • A clear description of the problem: Be as specific as possible about the issue you are experiencing.
  • Screenshots: Capture any error messages or unusual behavior for reference.
  • Troubleshooting Attempts: List the steps you have already taken to resolve the issue.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively troubleshoot technical problems and ensure a smooth learning experience. Once the above steps have been exhausted, please leverage the resources below to help address your issue.


Academic Technology provides technology support and system administration for online courses and face-to-face course components within the Canvas learning management system and other supporting tools such as Turnitin, Respondus, and SoftChalk. 

Our local helpdesk team is available to answer any questions related to online instructional tools at Tarleton State University. Our phone number is 254-968-1960 or Toll-Free 1-866-744-8900 – Option 3. Additionally, 24/7/365 chat or phone support is available by chat or phone by selecting the Help? menu on the left navigation global menu in Canvas.

We welcome your feedback and questions. If there is something you would like to know how to do or have an interest in, do not hesitate to contact us!

  • Phone: 1-833-444-2087
  • Face to face: Tech Spot in the Library Learning Commons
  • Mon-Fri 8 am- 8 pm 
  • WebsiteCanvas Video Guides

Canvas Training Videos

Canvas Student App



You may access MindTap technical support services through the Cengage Technical Support link in your course which will prompt you complete a form. Please provide as much detail as you can to help their support team more quickly diagnose your issue and include your instructor’s email in the field where you may add more participants so they are notified that you are having an issue.

Alternatively, you may also participate in Cengage’s Virtual Office Hours Monday – Friday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (Central Time) each day. No appointment necessary.


McGraw Hill:


Innovative Technology Solutions (ITS)

For help with your password, computer, or other technology or software:

  • Phone: 254-968-9885 or toll-free 866-744-8900
  • Locations:
    • Tech Spot in the Library Learning Commons
      • Mon – Fri 8 am- 8 pm
    • Room 105 of the Admin Annex II (#532 on the campus map)
  • WebsiteTechnology @ Tarleton

Test Out

If you are in a course that utilizes the Test Out platform and are having difficulties, please consult their support page which includes a help section, a form to complete a request for help, a chat feature, as well as phone support during normal business hours Mountain Standard Time.

QM Standard 7.1: The course instructions articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support offered and how to obtain it.