Ethnics Analysis

Text reads "BS: Applied Science Assurance of Learning" on a purple plaid background.

For the BSAS program, 14 students were assessed on the ethics outcome in BUSI 4398 during the fall semester of 2021 with one measure. Measure 1 was an objective assessment delivered through Canvas mapped to a five-item ethics rubric. The target for measure 1 was 75% of students scoring 75% or better on the overall assessment and 66% or better on each individual item.  The aggregated results for measure 1 indicated that 71% met the target. On measure 1, students tended to perform best on the “understands ethical theories” and “selects an ethical course of action” items with 93% meeting both targets. Students tended to have the most difficulty with the “knowing ethical decision-making frameworks” and “recognizing ethical dilemmas” items with 64% meeting both targets.

As indicated in the results table, the results were varied across all locations where the program is available. Following is a list of locations, the number of students assessed, and the percent of students that met the aggregate target for measure 2: Stephenville, 2 students assessed, 100%; Fort Worth, 5 students assessed, 80%; Midlothian, 1 student assessed, 0%; Online, 2 students assessed, 100%; Waco, 4 students assessed, 50%. Not all of the targets were met for this outcome so an action plan will be developed and implemented in Fall 2022 to improve student learning for the ethics outcome.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Measured each Fall during Even Years:
    • Critical Thinking
    • Oral Communications
    • Written Communications
    • Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK)
  • Measured each Fall during Odd Years:
    • Ethics
    • Global
    • Technology

Current Data

 Sample SizeTarget Pop. (Seniors)Percent of Seniors Sampled% Meeting Expectations on Overall Rubric. (Aggregate Rubric Score)Understands ethical theories.Knows ethical decision-making frameworks.Recognizes ethical dilemmas (frame the issue).Identifies stakeholders and predicts consequences to stakeholders.Selects an ethical course of action.
All locations1410513%71%93%64%64%86%93%
Fort Worth52818%80%100%80%80%80%80%

Global Analysis

For the BSAS program, 16 students were assessed on the global outcome in BUSI 4398 during the fall semester of 2021 with one measure. Measure 1 was an objective assessment delivered through Canvas mapped to an eight-item global rubric. The target for measure 1 was 75% of students scoring 75% or better on the overall assessment and 100% or better on each individual item.  The aggregated results for measure 1 indicated that 6% met the target. On measure 1, students tended to perform best on the “foreign currency exchange and terminology” item with 75% meeting the target. Students tended to have the most difficulty with the “differences in laws and regulation across count” item with 31% meeting the target.

As indicated in the results table, the results were varied across all locations where the program is available. Following is a list of locations, the number of students assessed, and the percent of students that met the aggregate target for measure 1: Stephenville, 2 students assessed, 0%; Fort Worth, 6 students assessed, 17%, Midlothian, 1 student assessed, 0%, Online, 2 students assessed, 0%, Waco, 6 students assessed, 17%. Not all of the targets were met for this outcome so an action plan will be developed and implemented in Fall 2022 to improve student learning for the global outcome.

Current Data

 Sample Size% Meeting Expectations on Overall Rubric. (Aggregate Rubric Score)The reasons why firms conduct business abroad.The advantages and disadvantages of the different methods to enter foreign markets.The costs and benefits of international trade.Political risk and exchange rate exposure inherent in international business.Foreign currency exchange and terminology.Differences in laws and regulation across count The cultural differences shaping the international businesses environment. The roles of international organizations and trade agreements
All locations1712%65%41%59%47%76%35%47%41%
Fort Worth617%67%17%50%50%100%50%67%67%

Technology Analysis

For the BSAS program, 13 students were assessed on the technology outcome in BUSI 4398 during the fall semester of 2021 using a single measure. The measure was an objective assessment delivered through Canvas mapped to a six-item technology rubric. The aggregated results indicated that 62% met the target. Students tended to perform best on the “demonstrates the ability to correctly identify and use standard computer hardware” item with 100% meeting the target. Students tended to have the most difficulty with the “demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate online using email or other appropriate online tools” item with 38% meeting the target.

As indicated in the results table, the results were varied across all locations where the program is available. Following is a list of locations, the number of students assessed, and the percent of students that met the aggregate target: Stephenville, 2 students assessed, 50%; Fort Worth, 4 students assessed, 100%; Midlothian, 1 student assessed, 100%; Online, 2 students assessed, 50%; Waco, 4 students assessed, 25%. Not all of the targets were met for this outcome so an action plan will be developed and implemented in Fall 2022 to improve student learning for the technology outcome.

Current Data

 Sample Size% Meeting Expectations on Overall Rubric. (Aggregate Rubric Score)Demonstrates the ability to correctly identify and use standard computer hardware.Demonstrates the ability to effectively use the internet or electronic sources of information.Demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate online using email or other appropriate online tools.Demonstrates the ability to create professional documents.Appropriately utilizes embedded objects as needed.Demonstrates an ability to navigate and utilize features of software.
All locations1362%100%69%38%85%69%69%
Fort Worth4100%100%75%75%100%75%100%