Tarleton State University’s College of Business Study Tours Program sends numerous students around the world every year to gain understanding of international cultures and learn about business practices in foreign countries.

Tarleton students have traveled to multiple countries on five continents, and each year new international learning experiences are
available through the COB Study Tours Program.

Whether it is Argentina, China, Guatemala or Italy, we understand the need for international exposure for today’s business students. In our developing global society, it is imperative to have a step up on the competition, and with the global knowledge COB Study Tours provides students, you are sure to succeed!

Why I Enjoyed my Study Tour

“Traveling to other countries around the world is the best way to learn about other cultures, behaviors, and environments. The study abroad trip to Chile and Argentina helped me to understand how people live and work in other countries. The trip overall was a wonderful learning experience of South American countries.”
-Sergio Maqueda, Argentina & Chile

“The COB Study Abroad trip to Argentina and Chile was one of the most beneficial and enlightening experience I’ve ever had. Not only did we have fun visiting The Andes Mountains, going to an Argentine soccer match, and touring a vineyard along the Chilean coast; but I also learned unique things about culture and business practices in other countries that I will use in the future.”
-Devan Brannan, Argentina & Chile

“It was the best experience ever imagined!”
-Claire Piskor, Argentina & Chile

“Being able to visit Chile and Argentina was a life changing experience! Getting out the American comfort zone was an amazing experience and made me want to travel all over the world. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go on this trip and to see how businesses in other countries operate. I would encourage any student who gets the chance to study abroad; it really will change your life and outlook on life!”
-Kerrie Bryant, Argentina & Chile

“Having the opportunity to visit Chile and Argentina was an amazing experience. The chance to see a different part of the world, share in different cultures, and create new business relationships with people I would have not otherwise have met is well worth the price of the trip.”
-Darren Armstrong, Argentina & Chile

“It was like we were dropped into a completely different world, that we adjusted to and made it our home; it was such an amazing experience…I would recommend it to anyone!”
-Whitney Amburn, Shanghai Business Semester

“Spending a semester abroad in Shanghai, China was a smart choice for me. As a business major, having that experience on my resume looked very good to prospective employers. It helped me to find a job in market research where I get to travel all over the country. Not to mention it was one of the greatest experiences of my life! I’ll never forget the friends I made and the things I learned, both inside the classroom and out.”
-India Crain, Shanghai Business Semester

“An amazing, life altering experience. After such an extensive study abroad, you get a real understanding and feel for the different cultures on the other side of the world, and that it’s not just something people see on T.V. and take for granted.”
-John Banner, Shanghai Business Semester

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Contact COB Study Tours

Box T-0330, Stephenville, TX 76402

Phone: 254-968-9342

Email: jpetronis@tarleton.edu