Effective Communication Analysis

Text "MACC Assurance of Learning" on a purple plaid background.

Under development.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Measured each Fall during Even Years:
    • Collaboration
    • Decision Making
    • Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK)
      • Comprehensive Exam
      • Post-Graduation Uniform CPA Exam Pass Rates
  • Measured each Fall during Odd Years:
    • Effective Communication
    • Ethics
    • Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK)
      • Comprehensive Exam
      • Post-Graduation Uniform CPA Exam Pass Rates

Current Results

      Results show % meeting expectations on each outcome item.
      Written CommunicationOral Communication
 Location Sample SizeTarget Population (All students in program)Sample % % Meeting Expectations on Overall Rubric. (Aggregate Rubric Score)Effective organization contributes to full development of written presentationConveys an accurate sense of audience with appropriate use of disciplinary languageAdvances argument with sound evidence and appropriately cited references. Points are logically developed and flow logically from one idea to the nextReadability enhanced by effective language use, range of diction and syntactic varietyMoves beyond surface understanding; Demonstrates facility with topical and disciplinary knowledgePresentations are clear, logical and organized. Listener can follow line of reasoning.Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration.Speaker used effective and appropriate technology (e.g. power points, graphs, etc.)Nonverbal communication (professional manner, eye contact, etc.) added purpose to the presentation.
MACCAll locations208224%95%100%95%90%100%90%100%94%100%100%
 Fort Worth112642%No DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo Data
 Waco53116%100% 100%80%100%60%100%75%100%100%

Ethics Analysis

Under development

 Current Results

  locationSample SizeTarget Population (All students in program)Sample % % Meeting Expectations on Overall Rubric. (Aggregate Rubric Score)Student demonstrates knowledge of discipline’s code of ethics.Student is able to recognize an ethic dilemma faced by organizations.Student is able to identify relevant stakeholders affected by an ethical dilemma faced by organizations.Student is able to identify appropriate ethical frameworks to address alternatives used for decision making.Student is able to identify key decisions to be made regarding ethical dilemma faced by organizations.Student is able to prioritize relevant stakeholder needs affected by an ethical dilemma faced by organizations.Student is able to prioritize key decisions to be made regarding ethical dilemma faced by organizations.Student is able to articulate a plan for addressing ethical dilemma.Plan demonstrates an understanding of the motives and consequences of the action.
MACCAll locations3824%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
 Fort Worth0260%No DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo DataNo Data
 Waco2316%100% 100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%