The Code Purple System Protocols direct the university to inform the campus community using four different types of notifications: Emergency Warning, Crime Alert, Adverse Conditions, and Informational.
The Code Purple Emergency Notification System communicates in multiple ways with students, faculty, and staff of Tarleton State University in the event of an emergency or dangerous situation.
Notification Types
Emergency Warning
Alerts campus to a confirmed significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to health or safety on campus.
In any event sirens sound:
- Go inside or take cover immediately
- Close windows and doors
- Stay until further notice
The University communicates an emergency warning by:
- Siren
- Text
- Updating and the homepage
- Notices to the @TarletonState social media channels
- Campus-wide email
- News releases to campus and local media
Situations in which the sirens would sound include:
- An armed and dangerous person on or near campus
- A major chemical spill or hazard
- A tornado warning for Stephenville, Fort Worth or Waco
- A different emergency, as determined by Campus Police
When the sirens sound – including during a test – the University also sends a text message to the cellphone numbers registered by students, faculty, and staff in the online campus directory. Register your cellphone.
Crime Alert
Notifies the campus community of any Clery Act crime as soon as the information is available so people can protect themselves and/or their property from similar crimes. Intended to inform people to be cautious, not to take immediate action.
The University communicates a crime alert by:
- Updating and the homepage
- Campus-wide email
- Crime Alert notifications will only be sent via text message if they are labeled “urgent.”
A crime alert will be issued only if Campus Police determine:
- There is a continuing danger to the campus community AND
- Issuing the crime alert will not compromise law enforcement efforts to address the crime
Clery Act crimes include the following:
- Criminal homicide, including murder and manslaughter (negligent and non-negligent)
- Sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible)
- Dating violence
- Domestic violence
- Stalking
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Hate crimes (including any of the above offenses, as well as any incidents of larceny/theft, simple assault, intimidation, or destruction/damage/vandalism of property that were motivated by bias)
If Tarleton State and/or Stephenville Police believe that issuing a crime alert would compromise efforts to address the crime, the notification may be delayed until the potentially compromising situation has been addressed.
Adverse Conditions
The university sends adverse conditions notifications when circumstances exist that do not represent an immediate threat to health or safety, yet action may enable people to protect themselves and/or their property. These situations include adverse weather events, such as snowstorms or hurricanes, major campus utility outages or other situations that would require a change in the university’s normal operating status.
The university communicates an adverse conditions alert by:
- Campus-wide email
- Text message
- Updating and the homepage
- Notices to the @TarletonState social media channels
Informs campus when a situation is not an emergency or does not pose an immediate threat to the campus community but is of significant interest to campus.
The university communicates an informational message by:
- Updating and the homepage
- Campus-wide email
Examples of incidents that may require an informational message:
- A tornado watch or severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the National Weather Service.
- An alleged assault occurring on or within close proximity to the campus that does not appear to pose a continuing threat.
- A crime occurring off campus but due to its location may have an impact on student or employee security interests.
Notification may be elevated to a higher alert status if additional information becomes available or conditions warrant.
Type | Text | Website | Social Media | News Release | |
Emergency Notification | X | X | X | X | X |
Crime Alert | X | X | |||
Adverse Conditions | X | X | X | ||
Informational | X | X | X |
1 – Only when the crime is considered “urgent”
What is e2Campus?
Code Purple is powered by e2Campus, a national mass notification solutions provide that allows designated university administrators to send time-sensitive messages to the mobile phones, email, and/or pagers of Code Purple subscribers.
E2Campus also has strict “Zero Spam” and usage policies for the information used by and for the Code Purple service Contact information you provide to the Code Purple service will only be used for delivering health and safety emergency information through e2Campus.
You will never receive unsolicited messages or “SPAM” in your email account or on your mobile device from Code Purple, e2Campus, or 3rd party marketers.
Texas HB 2758
Texas HB 2758 mandates that all faculty, staff, and students of any State of Texas institution of higher education be registered into an emergency notification system, however, users may opt-out at any time.