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Association of Texas Professional Educators

Be part of the largest and most influential voice of public education in Texas.

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Tarleton Professional Educators Recognized

Tarleton Professional Educators recognized as top state chapter.

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TPE Members Community Involvement

Tarleton Professional Educators recognized as top state chapter.

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Do you need assistance in Teacher Education?

Tarleton Professional Educators recognized as top state chapter.

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Tarleton Professional Educators (TPE)

The purpose of this organization shall be to assist and promote the actions of students in the Tarleton Teacher Education Program. Also, this organization will work with local schools to assist in the better education of our young people and participate in activities such as Halloween Fest, Texan Tours, and Adopt-A-Highway.

Membership Requirements

Membership is open to all education majors at all campuses and/or any student interested in the advancement of education. All student members must be in good academic standing, as defined by university regulations. Students must be enrolled as full-time students with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Membership in the Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) is encouraged but not require. Membership year is from September 1 to August 31 with twenty dollar annual dues or fifteen dollar semester dues. Members must attend 75% of annual meetings and at least one outside activity to remain “active” and be considered for a cord upon graduation.

Officers (2017-2018)

  • President: Melissa Sheldon
  • Vice-President: Torey Crosswhite
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Sandra Dominguez
  • Historian/Social Chair: Peyton Alvey
  • Student Government Association Representative: Marissa Maas
  • Student Government Association Representative: Rebekah Beaver
  • Stephenville Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robin Pate
  • Fort Worth Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Garcia
  • Waco Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anna Fox