While day-to-day responsibilities and management of individual committees and councils fall on each applicable university division, University Compliance and Strategic Initiatives (CSI) is delegated oversight of the Tarleton’s Committees and Councils information published on the university’s webpage and facilitating the overarching process.

Questions or comments related to specific committee or council membership, charge or efforts should be directed to the applicable division with oversight noted on the membership list linked below. Division contacts are as follows:

Office of the President – 

Academic Affairs – Dr. Aimee Shouse

Global & Community Connections – Jennifer Hicks

Enrollment Management – Dr. Javier Garza

Finance and Administration – Laura Isbell

Intercollegiate Athletics – Eric Heier

Research, Innovation and Economic Development – Dulce Vidal

Student Engagement & Success – Keely McMillian

University Strategy – Lauren Gillespie

Questions or comments related to the overarching process or this webpage should be directed to:

University Compliance

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (254) 968-9415