As part of Tarleton State University’s commitment to campus safety, the university decided in 2016 to ban hoverboards, also known as, a self-balancing scooter or recreational mobility device. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) evaluated the devices and determined that many units did not meet adopted safety standards. Individuals are prohibited in using, charging or storing a hoverboard within any university building or facility.
Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act are allowed in accordance within the Department of Justice’s, Wheelchairs, Mobility Aids, and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices guidance document. These devices must be tested and certified by Underwriters Laboaratory (UL) in order to charge them within a university building to meet fire code.
If you have questions or concerns related to this notice, please contact one of the following:
Department of University Compliance at 254.968.9415.
Department of Student Disability Services at 254.968.9400.