Department of Criminal Justice
The Criminal Justice programs that you will find at Tarleton State University are exceptional because the faculty has the expertise and experience to merge theory with practice providing for a well-rounded, relevant, quality education. We are committed to providing educational opportunities to Criminal Justice professionals and students. The building of strong new programs is evidence that we respond to the changing academic and professional needs of our student population.
Our mission is to support the University in providing a quality educational experience for our students. Our charge remains the provision of quality teaching, furnishing students with understanding and insight, as well as the ability to critically assess the dynamics of their society, culture and environment; thereby, preparing them to participate in a complex, diverse and global world. The department seeks to provide quality career professionals to meet Criminal Justice agency needs. Additionally, we seek to afford educational opportunities for our students to participate in chosen career fields and/or graduate study by offering quality instruction, ongoing research and dedicated service to the university, our discipline and the community.
Undergraduate Program
Graduate Program
Certificate Programs
Programs & Opportunities

Criminal Justice Society
Tarleton’s Criminal Justice Society (CJS) is available to all Criminal Justice majors and minors attending classes in Stephenville or Waco. You may be either a full or part-time student, but must be in good standing with the university with an overall and program grade point average of 2.0 or higher. CJS Network with like-minded individuals, other students who are embarking on the same journey as you, when you join the Criminal Justice Society.

Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma is the nationally recognized honor society for students in the criminal justice sciences. The society recognizes academic excellence by undergraduates as well as graduate students of criminal justice. Set yourself apart, and diversify your educational resume with participation in this industry respected organization.

The field experience requires completion of a minimum of 100 hours with the placement agency, enrollment in CRIJ 4331, and completion of all course assignments.
*Your field experience placement and employment cannot be the same agency.