Tarleton State University’s Commitment to Expressive Activity
Tarleton State University property is primarily dedicated to academic, student life, and administrative functions. But it also represents the “marketplace of ideas,” and especially for students, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other Expressive Activities.
Tarleton State University shall not consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression in applying this policy. Tarleton State University shall not impose restrictions on students, student organizations, or University employees due to the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression.
No event or Expressive Activity shall be permitted to violate or hinder the rights of others within the campus community and should adhere to this policy in its entirety.
Tarleton State University does not assume any obligation or responsibility for the content of statements or materials distributed.
Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Student Engagement & Success
People & Culture