Temporary Absence Request
Tarleton recognizes that students have situations that result in disruption to a student’s campus routine, which includes, but not limited to, serious illness or hospitalization of your immediate family, death, car accident, unexpected injuries, or even anticipated surgeries, illness, short-term medical conditions, etc. can cause confusion about what to do next.
Absence Request
Absence requests include illnesses lasting one week or more, deaths of an immediate family member (ex: spouse, child, sibling, grandparent, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-brother or sister, and step-grandparents), or primary caregiver.
Documentation for Absence Request
Documentation from your medical provider will be needed to verify illness and expected date of return to class. For death of an immediate family member, information and/or obituary of deceased immediate family member will need to be submitted.
To make a request:
Once all appropriate documentation has been received, the Dean of Students Administrative Office will email the student and applicable professors. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval. Additional information may be requested.
If you are unable to do this yourself, you may have a friend, family member or other person contact our office on your behalf. Please be prepared to provide an obituary or program from the services for documentation.