Geographic Information Systems, B.A.A.S.

The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a 120 credit hour program that teaches students how to think geographically, how to use geographic computer software programs (such as ArcGIS), and how to create maps and databases to solve contemporary world issues such as global climate change and resource management.

Geoscience, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Geoscience is 120 credit hours and consists of six concentrations including Geology, Environmental Science, Petroleum Geology, Science Teacher Certification (Grades 8-12), Hydrogeology, and Earth Science. A teacher certification option is available in the program to teach at the secondary level.

History, B.A.

The Bachelor of Arts degree in History is designed to expand and enrich a student’s knowledge of history, to encourage critical thinking about the world, and to develop research, writing, and analytical abilities in United States, European and World History. A teacher certification option is available in the program to teach at the secondary level.

Human Resources Management, M.S.

The Master of Science degree in Human Resources Management provides students opportunities to develop critical skills in areas such as research and job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, labor relations, and organizational effectiveness.

Person reviewing technical drawings of a machine labeled "Holz Her Shaper."

Industrial Technology, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology provided by the School of Engineering is a very broad field that opens windows of opportunities. This degree heavily emphasizes hands-on activities as well as classroom instruction. A teacher certification option is available in the program to teach at the secondary level.

Kinesiology, B.A.A.S.

The BAAS in Kinesiology is an alternative pathway to the bachelor’s degree for students who have acquired substantial content knowledge and requisite skills as a result of documentable technical training and professional work experience in a field or fields related to Kinesiology.

Kinesiology, M.S.

The Master of Science degree in Kinesiology is designed to prepare you for a rewarding career within the kinesiology and sports industry. The M.S. in Kinesiology offers a flexible curriculum to meet your specific needs and interests.