B.A.A.S. Public Administration
The Public Administration BAAS program is designed for working professionals with experience in the public sector who are interested in advancing their careers and obtain supervisory and leadership positions within their organizations.
This bachelor’s completion degree awards students with 12 to 33 academic credits for previous professional training in the field such as fire service, law enforcement, and military training. It prepares you for career changes, job promotions and also graduate school. Tarleton offers a Master’s in Public Administration and could take 6 hours at the graduate level that would apply towards your master’s degree if you choose to continue your learning.
The program emphasizes learning that is grounded in real-world experiences, and connects key components of leadership and administration such as organizational behavior, public policy, public budgeting, legal issues and conflict resolution. We deliver high quality education that is optimized for working professionals and is aimed to prepare students to lead, influence and manage in a diversified work environment.
- MPA Fast Track Option. The Fast Track offers an accelerated pathway to get your master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA). It allows qualified senior undergraduate students to take up to 6 semester credit of approved graduate level
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What is Public Administration?
Public administration is the “what” of government, where the rubber meets the road from policy to action. Professionals address public policy processes and issues. They practice the ideals of democracy, democratic action and public service to achieve such goals as liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our students are law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, firefighters, government employees and veterans from our armed forces. Career paths in public sector agencies and other government employment opportunities exist for our students in public administration.
What Can You Do with Your Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration?
Public administration focuses on leadership development that improves communities. Students who earn a degree in public administration will be prepared to use their knowledge and skills in a wide variety of areas such as finance, management, politics, policy, planning, human resources, public safety.
Program Objectives
- Expand the students’ knowledge of public administration
- Prepare students to use their knowledge and skills in a wide variety of public sector professions
- Provide students with the skills and knowledge require to successfully navigate the competitive process to advance within career opportunities.
- Deliver high quality education that prepares students to lead, influence and manage in a diversified work environment.

Estimated Completion
120 credit hours (2-4 years)
*Minimum 30 hours must be done at Tarleton
Application Process
Locations Available
What are the qualifications for the BAAS degree?
- To qualify for the BAAS degree, you must work or have worked for a public, government, nonprofit or military agency or other agencies related to public administration.
- Eligibility for credits is based on documented training hours verified by an official licensing authority such as TCOLE, State Fire Training, US Military training or other documented training related to public service (work experience or years of service cannot be used to receive credit).
- Full 33 Credits: Requires 496 documented training hours.
- Partial Credit (12 to 32 Credits): Requires a minimum of 180 documented training hours.
- Firefighter Tuition and Fee Waiver Information: Firefighters employed or volunteer with a political subdivision of the State of Texas qualify for a tuition waiver for all courses as outlined by Texas Education Code 54.353. This tuition waiver applies to any firefighter who meets the program requirements for a volunteer firefighter or works for a fire department, public safety agency, or other emergency response organizations and does so within a political subdivision in the state of Texas. To read this legislation, please visit the link: College For All Texans: Firefighters Enrolled in Fire Science Courses
Steps and qualifications:
- To receive the Tuition waiver, the applicant must be certified as a Firefighter or Volunteer by a responsible official in the department/agency they serve. (Volunteer firefighters have additional requirements).
- It is suggested to have the tuition waiver submitted in April for the Fall term and in November for the Spring term for timely approval. The summer sessions (when offered) will be submitted 30 days prior to the course’s start date.
- Eligibility for tuition waivers will be certified by the Public Administration Faculty and Financial Aid Staff.
- Tuition waivers, when approved, will be transmitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
- Approved applicants are responsible for paying university fees not covered by the tuition waiver. The waiver does not cover courses outside of the degree plan. Thus, only coursework tied to the Major is part of the waiver process.
- After establishing the degree plan, please download the waiver form below. Please submit one email to financial aid at finaid@tarleton.edu. Please make sure the form you submit is legible and clear. This form and all documents MUST be submitted each semester that a student enrolls in one or more courses.
- Fill out and submit the form below along with other noted documents (see Tarleton Firefighter Exemption Application).
- Selective service eligibility through sss.gov (all male students)
- A letter from the Fire Chief or Human Resources director that states you are a full-time firefighter or Volunteer Firefighter. This must be on agency letterhead.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
- Workforce Hours: Workforce courses in the fields of Fire Fighting, Public administration, emergency management, security and criminal justice, or other related workforce credit hours taught at a community college
- Certifications: Training and certifications Law Enforcement related training records including all aspects of LE service training and academies/SWAT etc.. Any Federal related training in the students career field. State Employee training tied to work within a state agency is accepted. Local government training tied to current or past career work. Such areas as water department, public works, city management etc. Non profit organization training, or other related management or technical practices
- Military Service: Your military experience and training documented on your joint services transcript (JST) in MOS, Fire Department related training records including all aspects of fire service training and academies/EMT paramedic school.
- Flexible Learning Options: We offer online and hybrid formats on our Stephenville, Waco and Ft Worth campuses to accommodate your busy schedule.
- Reduced Time to Completion: By leveraging your existing knowledge and skills, you will be able to complete your degree faster and at a lower cost.
- Experienced Faculty: Our instructors are industry professionals who understand the value of real-world experience and can help you connect your learning to your career goals.
- Scholarships: Discover our Career Enrichment Scholarship for a steady, affordable education. The Fixed-Price Degree Scholarship keeps costs constant, covering the difference to ensure your cost will be, at most, $200 per credit hour for five years after you start your degree. Secure your education with confidence.
Who can I contact for more information?
If you are looking for more information feel free to either request more information below using the form or contact Dr. Tracy E Rickman at 817-484-4392 or email trickman@tarleton.edu.
Course Highlights
Class | Number | Class Name |
PUAD | 3301 | Principles of PA |
PUAD | 3302 | Intergovernmental Relations |
PUAD | 3303 | Intro to Public Policy |
PUAD | 3305 | Intro to Public Budgeting |
PUAD | 4304 | Organizational Behavior in PA |
PUAD | 4305 | HR Management in PA |
PUAD | 4317 | Capstone in PA |
PUAD | 4318 | PA Ethics |
PUAD | 4319 | Professional Writings in PA (WI) |
How Do You Get Started on Your Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration?
Take the next step toward earning your bachelor’s degree in public administration. We have the resources to help you get started. Speak with faculty from public administration by emailing trickman@tarleton.edu.
- Submit Tarleton State’s Admission Application.
- Please visit the Tarleton State University Admissions page