Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the growth outlook for jobs in the medical sciences is greater than average at 13% for 2016-2026 (BLS, 2018). The Department of Psychological Sciences has an active neuroscience lab group and pre-existing coursework that will support the minor proposed below. Students that minor in neuroscience will study the relationship between the brain, learning, and behavior. Students do not need to be a psychology major and should be open to the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience. To apply for the minor, students must meet with the neuroscience minor coordinator and submit the degree plan form.


Students that are pursuing the minor in neuroscience will:

  • Acquire knowledge of the nervous system and behavior
  • Acquire knowledge of the relationship between the brain and behavior
  • Practice interdisciplinary reading of literature in neuroscience subfields

Prerequisites (C or Better)

The required courses may contain the following prerequisites:

  • General Psychology (PSYC 2301)
  • 8 hours of lab sciences

Required Coursework

Class NumberClass Name
Required courses:

Biological Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Choose one behavior course:
PSYC 3311

Behavior Analysis and Behavior Management
Animal Behavior
Choose one cell mechanisms course:
BIOL 2300

Cell Biology
Choose two from the following (or from unused items above):
PBHL 1310
CHEM 1407
PSYC 3301
PSYC 3305
PSYC 4388

Health and Society: An Introduction to Public Health
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Psychology of Learning
Human Cognitive Processes
Undergraduate Research Experience (Invitation Required from Faculty)
Any other upper level course approved by the neuroscience coordinator

A maximum of 9 hours will be counted in the major and minor concurrently.