M.S. in Quality and Engineering Management
If you currently hold a degree in a technical or non-technical area, the M.S. in Quality and Engineering Management degree can provide you with a pathway to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be more successful in all areas of manufacturing. The emphasis on leadership will provide critical skills for advancing into manufacturing leadership positions.
Jump right in.
Working on a master’s degree is a great way to signal to an employer that you are preparing yourself to move up and take on more responsibility. Upon completion of your degree in Quality and Engineering Management, you will be prepared for advancement or transition to better opportunities that can provide monetary, professional, and personal rewards for years to come.
Designed with you in mind.
This program is 100% online and designed for working professionals. You can continue to be employed while completing your degree! All the classes are taught by a group of faculty that have years of experience in manufacturing engineering. This master’s program provide both thesis and non‐thesis track options.
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Let us prepare you for career advancement that can provide monetary, professional, and personal rewards for years to come!
Estimated Completion
30 credit hours (18+ months)
Application Process
Locations Available
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Program Objectives
- This program is designed to provide individuals with baccalaureate degrees in technology or business related fields with an in-depth study of the organizational, technical, and strategic tools commonly used in manufacturing to improve productivity.
- Targeted to working professionals and other individuals who have a background in one of these fields, but are seeking to expand their knowledge across these disciplines.
- Emphasizes the applications of these tools to address quality, technology implementation and productivity issues in manufacturing related industries to help manufacturers standardize procedures, measure performance, improve customer satisfaction, and manage resources more wisely.
Coursework Outline
The Master of Science in Quality and Engineering Management is a 30 hour program consisting of 24 hours of courses in Quality and Engineering Management, and 6 hours taken through one of two options.
- Core Courses, 24 credit hours
- ENGT 5324 Statistics for Quality, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5325 Six Sigma & Design of Experiments Methodology, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5346 Manufacturing Systems Management, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5362 Supply Chain Management, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5368 Quality Management, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5385 Project Management, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5398 Seminar in Manufacturing Quality Topics, 3 credit hours
- MGMT 5310 Leadership Development, 3 credit hours
- Option 1 – Non-thesis, 6 credit hours
- ENGT 5336 Manufacturing Planning, 3 credit hours
- ENGT 5376 Automated Manufacturing Systems, 3 credit hours
- Option 2 – Thesis, 6 credit hours
- ENGT 5388 Thesis, 6 credit hours