Accounting, B.B.A.

Degree in Accounting is intended to provide high-quality, innovative, and relevant education that prepares graduates for successful careers in public accounting, industry accounting, or accounting for governmental or not-for-profit organizations.

Agricultural Communication, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Communication focuses on the communication and marketing aspects of the agriculture industry. Providing the student with both agricultural and communication knowledge and skills for exciting careers in agricultural publications, radio, livestock organizations, commodity groups, and governmental agencies that provide communication and information.

Art, B.F.A.

The Bachelor of Fine Art in Studio Arts provides a learning environment that promotes critical thinking, creativity, and technological expertise. Tarleton offers a BFA degree with options for Studio art or all-level teacher certification.

Biology, B.S.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Biology provides a broad range of learning opportunities designed to prepare students for entrance into a variety of biologically oriented graduate programs or for a career in the biological sciences. A teacher certification option is available in the program to teach at the secondary level.

Business, B.A.A.S

The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree is intended primarily for people who have a significant amount of technical and vocational training coupled with work experience and need to earn a four-year bachelor’s degree in order to advance in their careers.

Chemistry, B.S.

A Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry is designed for students that like to work with both their hands and their minds. This degree prepares students for graduate studies or careers in the scientific community or academia. A teacher certification option is available in the program to teach at the secondary level.

Civil Engineering, B.S.

The Civil Engineering degree program administered by the School of Engineering is a new and rapidly growing degree program at Tarleton. This program prepares students to develop innovative solutions related to our infrastructure, including analysis and design of structural, transportation and geotechnical systems.

Communication Studies, B.A.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies provides concentrations in Journalism and Broadcasting, Public Relations and Event Management, and Professional and Relational Communication that are offered on select campuses. Only the Professional and Relational Communication concentration is offered on the Fort Worth campus.

Communication Studies, B.S.

Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies provides concentrations in Sports Communication, Travel, Event , Activity Management, Journalism and Broadcasting, Public Relations and Social Engagement, and Professional and Relational Communication that are offered on select campuses. Only the Professional and Relational Communication concentration is offered on the Fort Worth campus.