B.A.A.S. Child Development and Family Studies


The B.A.A.S. in Child Development and Family Studies offers a flexible program that allows students to utilize their workforce training and coursework toward obtaining their degree. Most courses taken for the A.A. in Child Development are transferable as well.

Degree plans 

Jump Right In

Students can obtain up to thirty-three hours of workforce credit toward their degree through three avenues: workforce-based college credit hours (such as CDEC courses) will transfer, each year of documented work experience at a licensed childcare facility counts toward workforce credit, and documented training hours can count towards workforce credit.

Designed With You in Mind

Our program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation of knowledge, leadership skills, and cultural competence to work with children and families. This is a fully online program with courses offered at minimum once per year to serve students across all campuses and distance learners


Related Programs

Children and adults drawing at a table with crayons and paper.

Estimated Completion

120 credit hours (4 years)

Application Process

  1. Admission to Tarleton State University – Undergraduate Studies


Locations Available

1Admission to the off-campus locations such as Fort Worth, Waco, and Online require a minimum of 24 transferable credit hours, a 2.0 GPA and that a student be TSI complete.



Plan Your Future

Program Objectives

The goals of the Child Development and Family studies program at Tarleton State University are to:

  • Provide students with a strong foundation for working with children and families in a variety of capacities.
  • Tailor each student’s education to their desired career.
  • Enhance each student’s writing and critical thinking skills.
  • Use and model best practices in all areas of our program.
  • Continue to grow and learn as a faculty so that students get the most current information and best experience possible for their career.

Coursework Highlights

ClassNumberClass Name
CHFS3300Child Development
CHFS3305Management of a Licensed Childcare Facility
CHFS3315Concept Development in Early Childhood
CHFS3344Creative Arts and Literature for Children
CHFS4317Environments in Early Childhood
KINE3380Adapted Physical Activity
SOCW3303Social Work in Diverse Populations

For a full list of courses, please refer to this degree’s advising guide.

Facilities and Features