Graduate Certificates
The College of Graduate Studies offers eight certificates to current graduate students. These 9-12 hour certificates will allow you to enhance your graduate degree by obtaining knowledge in a complimentary discipline of interest. For more information on obtaining a graduate certificate, contact the College of Graduate Studies.
Communication Studies Certificates
Organizational Communication

This nine-hour graduate certificate will enhance the master’s program in Communication Studies.
Obtain professional training and learn how communication shapes business and corporate culture. Courses required for the certificate are:
- Organizational Communication (COMM 5304)
- Small Group Communication (COMM 5323)
- Communication Theory (COMM 5352)
Social Media Strategy

This nine-hour graduate certificate will enhance the master’s program in Communication Studies.
Through this certificate, you will acquire professional training on social media strategy. Courses required for the certificate are:
- New Communication Technology (COMM 5310)
- Applied Social Media (COMM 5311)
- Computer Mediated Communication (COMM 5312)
Criminal Justice Certificates
Crime Analysis

This 12-hour graduate certificate is offered to enhance the master’s program in Criminal Justice.
This graduate certificate offers applied knowledge in the application of law enforcement, Homeland Security, and other emergency and government services and allows you to focus your degree in this area of specialty. The required courses are:
- Statistical Methods for Criminal Justice I (CRIJ 5300)
- Introduction to Crime Analysis (CRIJ 5364)
- Introduction to Crime Mapping (CRIJ 5363)
- Research Methods I (CRIJ 5398)
Homeland Security

This 12-hour graduate certificate is offered to enhance the master’s program in Criminal Justice.
This certificate will allow you to tailor your master’s degree for a specialty in global security issues. There are two required courses:
- Terrorism (CRIJ 5351)
- Homeland Security (CRIJ 5352)
- In addition, you would choose two of the following courses: Global Cyber-Security (CRIJ 5353), Intersection of Domestic and Military Policing (CRIJ 5365), Transnational Trafficking (CRIJ 5349) or Executive Leadership (CRIJ 5375).