B.A.A.S. Geographic Information Systems


The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a hands-on, student-focused program that is designed to inspire, captivate, and prepare you for your future career in any related field or industry. Geographic Information Systems are computer-based systems used for recording, storing, analyzing, and displaying spatial/geographic data. GIS show a myriad of different types of data and display spatial statistics in order to draw specified conclusions. In essence, GIS is storytelling by way of geography instead of books. 

Every time we use navigation on our smartphones, look up the nearest restaurant, or decide where to vacation to, we are using GIS. Geographic information systems are used to track climate changes, wildlife migration patterns, shopping and consumer habits, oil and gas exploration, infectious disease outbreaks, just to name a few. These systems are used in every sector of the economy and in almost every discipline. 

Designed With You in Mind

This degree program caters to the needs of nontraditional students with existing military, technical or vocational education credits in some aspects of GIS, who are seeking for individualized academic degrees in GIS.

Program Objectives

  • Critical Thinking: Students will be able to identify, and spatially conceptualize a problem, and logically argue for the use of geospatial techniques in addressing the problem.
  • Technology: Students will demonstrate skill in the use of GIS related software and related research databases and equipment.
  • Data Analysis: Students will demonstrate skill in using standard GIS data analysis techniques.
  • Research Skills: Students will demonstrate skill in using basic GIS research methodologies.

Jump Right In

The U.S. Department of Labor identified GIS as one of the three most important emerging and evolving fields over the next ten years. The Tarleton GIS program will teach skills that are needed across various disciplines and job markets. Graduating with a degree in GIS will give you a tremendous advantage in today’s competitive job market.

Two people work at computers in a classroom setting.

Estimated Completion

120 credit hours (4 years)

Application Process

  1. Admission to Tarleton State University – Undergraduate Studies


Locations Available



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Coursework Highlights

ClassNumberClass Name
GEOG3312Economic Geography
BCIS3333C# Programming
GEOG3352Introduction to Crime Mapping
BCIS4301Database Theory and Practice
GEOG4450Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG4451Applied Remote Sensing


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