B.S. in Geography and Geographic Information Systems


The Bachelor of Science degree in Geography and Geographic Information Systems (GGIS) is a hands-on, student-focused program that is designed to inspire, captivate, and prepare you for your future career in any related field or industry. Geography and Geographic Information Systems are computer-based systems used for recording, storing, analyzing, and displaying spatial/geographic data. GGIS show a myriad of different types of data and display spatial statistics in order to draw specified conclusions. In essence, GGIS is storytelling by way of geography instead of books. 

Every time we use navigation on our smartphones, look up the nearest restaurant, or decide where to vacation to, we are using GGIS. Geography and Geographic information systems are used to track climate changes, wildlife migration patterns, shopping and consumer habits, oil and gas exploration, infectious disease outbreaks, just to name a few. These systems are used in every sector of the economy and in almost every discipline. 

Jump Right In

The geography and geographic information systems field is projected to be the fifth fastest growing occupation in the U.S. over the next ten years. Graduating with a degree in GGIS will give you a tremendous advantage in today’s competitive job market. The Tarleton GGIS program will teach skills that are needed across various disciplines and job markets; from business to agriculture and everything in-between.

Designed With You in Mind

This degree program places emphasis on graduating students in four years. Our courses are taught on a rotation, providing you with the flexibility of having most of the require courses taught at least once a year, and often times twice a year.


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Two people working at computers in a classroom setting.

Estimated Completion

120 credit hours (4 years)

Application Process

  1. Admission to Tarleton State University – Undergraduate Studies


Locations Available



Plan Your Future

Program Objectives

  • Provide students with the knowledge and ability to use GGIS across various disciplines and perspective occupations.
  • Students will develop the necessary background expertise in geography and GGIS to solve problems associated with globalization and the changing world.
  • Prepare students utilize their GGIS skills to be exposed to diverse job options.

Coursework Highlights

ClassNumberClass Name
GEOG1303World Regional Geography
GEOG2301The Geography of Texas
GEOG3312Economic Geography
GEOG2451Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
GEOG3450Intermediate Geographic Information Systems
GEOG4450Advanced Geographic Information Systems

For more information on courses, please refer to the university catalog.

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