The EAB Navigate system is an online tool to connect students to faculty, staff, and campus resources. Through this tool, users can raise early alerts for students, view the progress for groups of students, create a kiosk system, initiate proactive appointment campaigns, and innovatively help students graduate in a timely manner.
This software is a collaborative effort between the Office of Student Success and numerous other offices at Tarleton State University.
Through the EAB Navigate system, you can:
- Schedule advising appointments with the Office of Academic Advising
- Schedule appointments with Texan Services (Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veteran Services)
- Email your professors and Success Team
- Access and print your schedule
- View progress reports, notes, absences, and assigned study hall hours, if available
- Access links to important school resources
Through the EAB Navigate system, you can:
- Raise early alerts for students in your classes
- Take digital attendance
- Create events for students in your classroom and remind them of the event via email/text
- Send proactive email messages to your students
- Schedule appointments during office hours which notify and remind students of any upcoming appointments

How to Sign-In
Current Students and Faculty: Login with your NTNET credentials. If you have problems with your password, use Tarleton Password Manager or call 254-968-9885 to reset your password.
Prospective Students (admitted but not registered) are not active in this system. Please contact the Office of Academic Advising for your campus to schedule an appointment.
- Stephenville admitted transfer students 254-968-9746
- Fort Worth and Global admitted transfer students 817-732-7300
- Waco admitted transfer students 254-299-8322
Through the EAB Navigate system, you can:
- Create customized lists of students (mentoring, study abroad, organizations, etc.)
- Conduct appointment campaigns which allow student to schedule an appointment using a link
- Schedule appointments which notify and remind students
- Respond to caseloads on early alert referrals
- Send proactive emails to your students
- Use kiosks to track an event or study hall check-ins
Training is required for heightened access (beyond general faculty) for both staff and faculty.
For more information about EAB Navigate at Tarleton, please contact Jose Luna or call 254-459-5654.