Apply to Clinical Teaching

You must meet all the following prerequisites to apply to clinical teaching.

Step 1: Apply to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Prior to seeking admission for clinical teaching, students must have applied or been admitted to the Tarleton Teacher Education Program.

Step 3: Attend a Mandatory Meeting

You must attend one of the clinical teaching meetings either by Zoom or Zoom recording before applying. This is where you will be given the information to apply and advised of any changes to the program. You must meet the application deadline to be eligible for placement.

Clinical teachers must attend a mandatory live or recorded Zoom meeting to qualify for placement. Zoom links will be sent out via the EAB notification system to your email account or sent by course instructors. Comprehensive Certification Testing information will also be covered.

EPS Staff speak to Elementary students participating in a Yearlong Residency in Block 2 courses concerning the residency application. See the certification testing pages for Certification Testing meeting information.

All Campuses

The meetings will be held virtually using Zoom. Links to the meetings will be sent out to Tarleton email address via the EAB System. Teacher Education Program candidates must get in the habit of checking their Tarleton email account so important announcements are not missed.