Block I and Block II Field Placement
Once placements are finalized no changes will be made except by the EPS Office.
Tarleton State University is fortunate to be surrounded by many exceptional school districts that welcome our pre-service clinical teachers. Within your field experiences, you will find abundant opportunities to utilize what you learned in your university classes with students and teachers in public schools.
Tarleton State University strives to foster ongoing relationships with these districts and works closely with them each semester to place pre-service clinical teachers in the best possible field experience with highly qualified cooperating teachers. All pre-service Block I and Block II placements will, therefore, be done through the Field Placement office in collaboration with Block 1 and Block II professors.
Block I and Block II pre-service placements will be facilitated through different campuses/districts which will require a new criminal history to be completed each semester before you can begin your pre-service field experience. The field service office will be unable to place you at a campus/district until all criminal history documents have been received.

Forms may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Normally we would ask that you either hand-deliver or fax. During COVID, please follow specific instructions on each form. You may be asked to submit electronically.