Block 1 – 60 Earned Hours/Junior Status and submission of Criminal History Check Consent Required
- EC-3, EC-6 and SPED w/ EC-6 students take EDUC 3320. Foundations of Teaching: Elementary (EC-6) Classrooms
- 4-8 and Secondary/All-Level students take EDUC 3321. Foundations of Teaching: Middle and Secondary Classroom
- Make sure concurrently enrolled in any courses needed for admission (examples: PSYC 3303 or 2308 or CHFS 3300; 3 ENGL courses with a C or better; retake any courses with Ds or Fs that are required to be a C or better)
- Application to Teacher Education Program completed
Block 2 – Admission to TEP and submission of Criminal History Check Consent Required
- Receive permission to take TExES exams; follow testing guidelines for when to begin testing
- Application to Clinical Teaching or Residency completed
Block 3 – Semester Prior to Clinical Teaching OR TR 1 – Teacher Residency 1
- Complete testing requirements
Block 4 – Clinical Teaching only OR TR 2 – Teacher Residency 2
- Candidates will be eligible for certification after graduation