Dr. Trinette Jones
Associate Professor & Interim Animal Science Department Head
Email: tnjones@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 116
Phone: 254-968-9636

Dr. Jessica Leatherwood
Associate Professor
Email: jleatherwood@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 117
Phone: (254)-968-1697

Dr. Kimberly Guay
Associate Professor
Email: guay@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 309D

Dr. Rafael Martinez
Assistant Professor
Email: rmartinez@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 305A
Phone: (254) 595-7001

Mrs. Bobbie Walton
Instructor & Director of the Equine Center
Email: rwalton@tarleton.edu
Office: Equine Center 101A
Phone: 254-968-9679

Mrs. Shelby Huxen
Instructor & Coordinator of Texan Therapeutic Riding
Email: huxen@tarleton.edu
Office: Equine Center 101C

Mrs. Paxton Turner
Email: pturner@tarleton.edu
Office: Autry 304
Phone: (254)-968-5490