Fundamental eLearning Courses

Online Career Training Programs

Certificate Programs

In-Person Sessions

Strittmatter Wealth Management Sessions

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning
It is often one of the last items that people take care of because of procrastination or confusion about what is needed. Now, more than ever, it is important to have a sound estate plan in place. Without an estate plan, you lose control of the distribution of your estate, and you may incur unnecessary costs and taxes.
June 20, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm)- CAB 317
June 27, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm)- CAB 317
October 17, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm)- CAB 317
October 24, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm)- CAB 317
COST $69.00 + bring a guest FREE

Getting Ready for Retirement
The financial landscape is always changing. New tax laws are taking effect, the stock market is experiencing unprecedented volatility and the cost of healthcare is rising. Now, more than ever, it is important to have sound financial strategies in place to ensure a successful retirement.
April 10, 2025 6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 121
May 1, 2025 6:00pm-9:00pm)- TBD
May 9, 2025 6:00pm-9:00pm)- TBD *note – this session is on Friday
August 7, 2025 (6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 317
October 23, 2025 (6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 317
COST: $69.00 + bring a guest FREE

Social Security Secrets
Learn to how to make the most of your Social Security benefits.
The risk of disability or premature death is greater than many people realize. Some 7% recent entrants to the labor force will die before reaching the full retirement age, and many more will become disabled. Social Security provides a foundation of income on which workers can build to plan for their retirement. It also provides valuable social insurance protection to workers who become disabled and to families whose breadwinner dies.* Learn the modern realities of Social Security and how it fits into Retirement Planning.
April 17, 2025 (6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 121
August 14, 2025 (6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 317
October 30, 2025 (6:00pm-9:00pm)- CAB 317
COST: $69.00 + bring a guest FREE
Medicare and You
Take a deep dive into traditional and replacement Medicare, as well as how to handle needs beyond what Medicare will cover. We’ll examine real examples of how the program works, use of Medicare for specific needs, and coverage of costs when Medicare shuts off. If you are now on Medicare, are approaching Medicare eligibility, or considering Medicare benefits for a loved one, this is a course for you. It will give you a firm grasp of how to maximize your benefits, what types of plans are available, and as a bonus, how to keep marketers from calling you so much!
Through Tarleton State University’s Office of Extended Education and Workforce Development, Medicare and You classes are taught at our Tarleton Fort Worth Campus for your convenience. Cassie Walden, an experienced Insurance Broker specializing in Medicare and Retirement, leads this in-person session.
4-Part Series –
Friday, May 9th, 2025 – 2:00pm-4:00pm
Friday, May 16th, 2025 – 2:00pm-4:00pm
Friday, May 23rd, 2025 – 2:00pm-4:00pm
Friday, May 30th, 2025 – 2:00pm-4:00pm
$19 per person
Why Extended Education?
Extended Education aims to give learners useful knowledge and skills that can be applied to their personal and professional lives. Extended Education programs are designed to accommodate the needs of those who cannot participate in regular on-campus programs by offering programs in a variety of formats, including online courses, summits, conferences, workshops, and more.
Our Extended Education office helps in the following ways:
- Works collaboratively within organizations, individuals or entities outside the academic community.
- Provide Extended Education to work with and train teachers in a K-12 school, facilitate programs for a non-profit or corporation, deliver research-based training to a governmental agency or work hand in hand with community members to obtain knowledge in a desired skill set.
- Delivers expert researchers and subject matter experts delivering courses and programs within their disciplinary expertise while creating partnerships within the community.

Christian F.
Fundamentals eLearning:
Discover Sign Language 1
“[This course] was great! I learned a lot, and honestly plan to continue my lessons. I was able to learn basic ASL, and through this, be better prepared for any circumstances with deaf or hard-of-hearing students. It was great! I learned a lot, and honestly plan to continue my lessons. I was able to learn basic ASL, and through this, be better prepared for any circumstances with deaf or hard of hearing students.”
Diane S.
Fundamentals eLearning:
Drawing for the Absolute Beginner
“I have wanted to take an art class for years. When I saw this advertised as a fully online course for only $100, I signed up. I was very impressed by the course. The course was very well designed, easy to access and follow through. Each lesson included short, concise, very helpful videos by the instructor to demonstrate the principles or techniques. We were encouraged but not required to post our drawings on the discussion forums. The instructor provided timely and personal feedback on each post. I was thoroughly impressed with the course and will look for others to take for enrichment!”
Bobbie Sheppard
Graduate certificate in crime analysis – PAST STUDENT
The courses weren’t just theoretical; they were practical, hands-on workshops where we learned to dissect crime data and identify patterns and trends hidden within numbers. The certificate wasn’t just about skills; it was about perspective. It challenged me to see beyond the headlines, to understand the social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to crime. It taught me to be a critical thinker, to question assumptions, and to use data not just to catch criminals, but to prevent crime in the first place. So, if you’re looking for a challenge, a chance to make a real difference, and a career that’s both intellectually stimulating and deeply rewarding, I urge you to consider the Crime Analysis Certificate.