Tarleton Extended Education offers certificate programs for those who are interested in obtaining a certificate without enrolling in an undergraduate or graduate program. We are dedicated to enhancing your professional development through comprehensive non-credit certificate programs including:
- Undergraduate Certificate in Crime Analysis – This program is offered through the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration in partnership with the Texas Law Enforcement Analyst Network (TXLEAN). The program consists of five undergraduate-level courses.
- Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis – This program is offered through the School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration in partnership with the Texas Law Enforcement Analyst Network (TXLEAN). The program consists of four graduate-level courses. Enrollment in this program requires proof of a bachelor’s degree.
Undergraduate Certificate in Crime Analysis
The Undergraduate Certificate in Crime Analysis provides law enforcement professionals and traditional criminal justice students with the essential skills needed by law enforcement agencies to meet the new demands for predictive and analytical policing. This certificate was developed in partnership with the Texas Law Enforcement Analyst Network (TXLEAN), the Texas chapter of the International Associations for the Crime Analysts (IACA).
The Undergraduate Certificate in Crime Analysis provides hands-on skills necessary for data-driven management, investigative support, and general crime analysis. Theoretical aspects of crime pattern analysis are combined with practical applications to understand the development of analytical and predictive policing techniques.
Students in this program learn to synthesize criminological theory and application of industry-standard software to develop and perform complex crime analysis and mapping; perform advanced spatial analyses of crime and creative customized agency-specific crime analysis and mapping applications.
This program consists of five required courses and can be completed fully online in as little as three semesters, beginning in January or August. The current price for each course is $200, making the full price of the program $1,000.
REGISTRATION for Spring 2025: OPEN
Required Coursework (5)
CRIJ 3370: Introduction to Crime Analysis (offered Fall semester only)
This course provides the requisite skills needed for efficient data management. The manipulation and conversion of crime data to useful information is a basic requisite to accomplish data-driven management and support intelligence-led policing. Several data management applications are examined including Microsoft Excel and Access.
CRIJ 3371: Introduction to Crime Mapping (offered Spring semester only)
This course provides the conceptual background and practical skills to design and implement GIS-based analysis of community crime problems. The theory, logic, and practical applications of mapping and analysis are examined with a focus on developing a knowledge base, skills, and integration of concepts that are applicable to crime detection and prevention.
CRIJ 4316: Methods of Criminal Justice Research (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
This course is a study of scientific research methods used in the criminal justice system. It includes a review and critique of research on crime causation, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative research methods.
CRIJ 4318: Criminal Justice Statistics (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
This course is a study of basic and advanced descriptive and inferential statistics with an emphasis on applications in the criminal justice system.
Field Experience
Choice of Field Experience in Crime Analysis OR Criminology:
- CRIJ 4332: Field Experience in Crime Analysis (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
- Application and integration of academic content and development of skills within a criminal justice setting. Entry into this course will be arranged with the internship coordinator OR students may take Criminology instead.
- CRIJ 3305: Criminology (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
- Study and critical appraisal of various theories of crime causation, including an examination of classical, biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives on the etiology of crime.
For questions about the undergraduate certificate program, please contact Dr. Olga Semukhina at at semukhina@tarleton.edu.
For questions about the registration process, please contact Extended Education office at extendeded@tarleton.edu.
Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis
The Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis provides law enforcement professionals and traditional criminal justice students with the essential skills needed by law enforcement agencies to meet the new demands for predictive and analytical policing. This certificate was developed in partnership with the Texas Law Enforcement Analyst Network (TXLEAN), the Texas chapter of the International Associations for the Crime Analysts (IACA).
The Graduate Certificate in Crime Analysis provides hands-on skills necessary for data-driven management, investigative support, and general crime analysis. Theoretical aspects of crime pattern analysis are combined with practical applications to understand the development of analytical and predictive policing techniques.
Students in this program learn to synthesize criminological theory and application of industry-standard software to develop and perform complex crime analysis and mapping; perform advanced spatial analyses of crime and creative customized agency-specific crime analysis and mapping applications.
This program consists of four required courses and can be completed fully online in as little as two semesters, beginning in January or August. Enrollment in this program requires proof of a bachelor’s degree. The current price for each course is $300, making the full price of the program $1,200.
REGISTRATION for Spring 2025: OPEN
Required Coursework (4)
CRIJ 5364: Introduction to Crime Analysis (offered Fall semester only)
This course provides the requisite skills needed for efficient data management. The manipulation and conversion of crime data to useful information is a basic requisite to accomplish data-driven management and support intelligence-led policing. Several data management applications are examined including Microsoft Excel and Access.
CRIJ 5363: Introduction to Crime Mapping (offered Spring semester only)
This course provides the conceptual background and practical skills to design and implement GIS-based analysis of community crime problems. The theory, logic, and practical applications of mapping and analysis are examined with a focus on developing a knowledge base, skills, and integration of concepts that are applicable to crime detection and prevention.
CRIJ 5398: Applied Research Design 1 (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
This course is a study of scientific research methods used in the criminal justice system. It includes a review and critique of research on crime causation, law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Emphasis will be placed on quantitative research methods.
CRIJ 5300: Applied Data Analysis for Criminal Justice 1 (offered Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters)
This course is a study of basic and advanced descriptive and inferential statistics with an emphasis on applications in the criminal justice system.
Bobbie Sheppard
Past Student – Graduate certificate in crime analysis
The courses weren’t just theoretical; they were practical, hands-on workshops where we learned to dissect crime data and identify patterns and trends hidden within numbers. The certificate wasn’t just about skills; it was about perspective. It challenged me to see beyond the headlines, to understand the social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to crime. It taught me to be a critical thinker, to question assumptions, and to use data not just to catch criminals, but to prevent crime in the first place. So, if you’re looking for a challenge, a chance to make a real difference, and a career that’s both intellectually stimulating and deeply rewarding, I urge you to consider the Crime Analysis Certificate.
For questions about the graduate certificate program, please contact Dr. Olga Semukhina at at semukhina@tarleton.edu.
For questions about the registration process, please contact Extended Education office at extendeded@tarleton.edu.