Financial Aid Consortium

Tarleton State University participates in the Financial Aid Consortium program, which coordinates credit hours between partner institutions to financially assist students. Students may only receive financial aid from one institution during a term. Undergraduate students interested must be enrolled at Tarleton State University with a minimum of 3 hours for the fall, spring, or summer semester. Students must fill out a consortium agreement each semester they participate in the program and return the completed consortium agreement to the Tarleton’s Office of Financial Aid prior to the 12th class day for processing.

Notification of participation in the financial aid consortium will be emailed to the student’s email address. Students should always check their account or forward it to their personal email. For help with your Tarleton email account, please email the Helpdesk.

  • Courses taken at the community college (host institution) are verified by the Registrar’s Office for transferability and use towards a degree plan.
  • Students are encouraged to verify the transferability of their courses to Tarleton prior to submitting the consortium agreement. TCCNS Developmental and audited courses are not eligible for the financial aid consortium.
  • Courses approved for the consortium agreement will be added to the students’ Tarleton registration, increasing the number of hours they are registered for in a given semester.
  • Tuition and fees will be charged separately for the courses taken at the respective community college (host institution).
  • Make satisfactory academic progress as specified by the Tarleton State University Satisfactory Progress policy.

Steps to Participate in Tarleton State University’s Financial Aid Consortium Program

Step 1 — Pick up a Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Certification Form at the Office of Financial Aid at Tarleton State University or print a form from the school’s listed below.

Step 2 — Complete the top portion of the Certification Home Institution portion of page one and sign the middle of page two.

Step 3 — Bring your schedule from the community college to your Tarleton State University academic advisor to ensure the courses will count towards your degree. Upon agreement, the advisor will sign the form.

Step 4 — Take the form to the Financial Aid Office of the Host Institution (community college) and have them complete the Certification Host Institution box on page two.

Step 5 — Take the form to the Registrar’s Office of the Host Institution (community college) and have them complete the bottom portion on page two. Tarleton State University must be notified within two business days if there is a change in enrollment status (i.e. drop/add courses, withdrawal, etc.)

Step 6 — The final step is to return the completed form along with the community college’s schedule to the Office of Financial Aid at Tarleton State University for processing. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. You will receive a confirmation email at your email account once your agreement has been processed or if additional information is required. Any incomplete consortium agreements will be held for 10 days then will be marked as not processed.

The deadline to submit completed consortiums is no later than the census day of the semester.

Step 7 — You must request an official transcript to be sent to Tarleton State University immediately upon completion of the courses at the community college. A hold will be placed on your record until this transcript is received.