Application for New Core Course
Course Proposal Submission and Review Process
Submit new or revised class to the Curriculum Management System and include the proposed core SLOs on the master syllabi along with other course SLOs.
Complete a Course Proposal Cover Sheet, Foundational Component Area Justification Form and Student Learning Outcome Alignment Form (these are together in one download by content area) for each course. This paperwork is in addition to any that is required for proposal of a new course.
Faculty member submits electronic copies to the department chair.
Department chair approval
Department chair submits electronic copies of all forms and approvals to the General Education Committee chair for review before October 15 of each year. Incomplete proposals or those that have insufficient information and/or fail to meet these criteria will be returned to the submitting department chair.
General Education Committee will evaluate proposals with a rubric. Courses with scores of acceptable in all categories will be eligible to be considered for inclusion in the General Education Core Curriculum.
Courses that are passed by the General Education Committee will then be submitted to THECB. Submittals can only be made once a year.
Forms by Content Area
Language, Philosophy and Culture