Tarleton State University General Education
The mission of the core curriculum is to prepare students for academic and professional success, social responsibility, and personal growth by providing educational experiences that integrate written and oral communication, critical thinking, problem solving, analytical and creative activity.
Through the core curriculum courses, students will:
- develop competence in: communication skills, basic mathematical principles, critical thinking and problem solving,
- acquire knowledge and appreciation of human cultures and artistic endeavors;
- develop the basis for an understanding of the physical and natural world;
- develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a varied world; and
- advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.
Statement of Purpose
Tarleton State University’s core curriculum adheres to the assumptions and defining characteristics of a core curriculum as mandated by the THECB. At the same time, the core supports Tarleton’s mission to provide a challenging educational experience that enables students “to pursue truth and acquire understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for establishing successful careers and becoming responsible citizens and leaders.”
The forty-two credit hours necessary to complete our core are attained through a range of courses that expose students to various academic fields. Because of the core, students achieve not only career preparation through their university experience, but also exposure to disciplines outside their major that provide an enhanced understanding of the world. The core provides courses in writing and speaking that enhance communication skills, and mathematics courses that require critical thinking. The natural sciences enable students to study their physical environment and to gain an understanding of nature’s laws. The courses in the social and behavioral science disciplines and the areas in language, philosophy and culture provide the opportunity for students to study other cultures and learn about peoples different from themselves. These courses also lead students to explore the development and workings of their own nation and its institutions. The core helps students deal with the new information age and its myriad options, containing literature and philosophy courses that promote moral and ethical reasoning that help students make informed and wise choices. Visual and performing arts courses enable students to understand concepts about the arts that will enhance their enjoyment the arts and broaden their aesthetic interests.
The basic goal of the core curriculum is to broaden the students’ perceptions of themselves and their environment. Because of the rapid evolution of technology and communications, it is often difficult for students to be certain about what type of academic exposure they will need to succeed. They can, however, prepare for the change by understanding that there are certain basic principals central to humanity’s existence. These are the principles taught in the core curriculum.