Course Proposal Submission and Review Process
Complete a Course Proposal Cover Sheet, Foundational Component Area Justification Form and Student Learning Outcome Alignment Form (these are together in one download by discipline) for each course.
Faculty member submits electronic and hard copies of items 1 and 2 to the department chair.
Department chair approval.
Department chair submits electronic copies of all forms and approvals to the General Education Committee chair for review before November 1, 2012. Incomplete proposals or those that have insufficient information and/or fail to meet these criteria will be returned to the submitting department chair. Re-submission of proposals is encouraged during the initial review process.
General Education Committee will evaluate proposals with a rubric (attached). Courses with scores of acceptable in all categories will be eligible to be considered for inclusion in the new General Education Core Curriculum.
The course will not have to be submitted to the electronic curriculum system unless changes other than the SLOs are being proposed. New master syllabi will be submitted after THECB approval. Submission procedures are still being worked on.
Note: Submission Timeframe is September 1, 2012 through November 1, 2012.
Courses that are not submitted in the appropriate time frame, will not be in the core in September 2014. An institution of higher education may only request changes to its core curriculum annually.
All submissions should go to Carol Thompson