Courses Taught
- Government 2305: Federal Government
- Political Science 3308: International Politics
- Political Science 3316: Political Science Research Methods
- Political Science 4313: East and South Asian Politics
- Political Science 4314: African Politics
- Political Science 4390: Political Science Capstone
- International Studies 4390: International Studies Capstone
- Advanced Research Methods
- Presidential Behavior
- Cogley, Nathaniel Terence. “With its dubious finding on impoundment, GAO passed the buck.” Washington Examiner. January 17th, 2020
- Cogley, Nathaniel Terence. “To justify impeachment, Democrats are spinning the law on impoundment.” Washington Examiner. December 9th, 2019
- Cogley, Nathaniel Terence. “The 1974 law that makes this impeachment especially dubious.” Washington Examiner. November 21st, 2019
- Cogley, Nathaniel T, John A. Doces, and Beth E. Whitaker. 2019. “Which immigrants should be naturalized? Which should be deported? Evidence from a survey experiment in Côte d’Ivoire.” Political Research Quarterly 72(3): 653-668.
- Cogley, Nathaniel Terence. “Non-Machiavellian Careers and the Social Esteem Motive: Qualitative Insights from Africa.” [In progress—Full Draft Available—Presented at the 2019 Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference in Austin, TX]
- Cogley, Nathaniel T. and John A. Doces. In progress. “Voter Support for Elite Politics in Africa? Evidence from Survey Experiments in Côte d’Ivoire and Uganda.” [In progress—Full Draft Available—Presented at the 2019 Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference in
Austin, TX] - Cogley, Nathaniel T. and John A. Doces. “African preferences during the 2016 U.S. presidential election: evidence from a survey experiment in Côte d’Ivoire and Sénégal.” [In progress—Full Draft Available—Presented at the 2018 Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA]
- Cogley, Nathaniel Terence. 2013. The Logic of Political Cessation: Social Esteem and Executive Tenure in Africa (Doctoral Dissertation). Order No. 3572015, Yale University. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1433384952 [includes interviews with ten current and former African heads of government].
Documentary Films
- Cogley, Nathaniel. Exiting Power in Africa (working title) (documentary film). (in progress—includes interviews with ten current and former African Heads of State)
- Cogley, Nathaniel. 2009. Dakar to Port Loko: Perspectives from West Africa (documentary film). Berkeley Media LLC. http://www.berkeleymedia.com/films/dakar_to_port_loko_perspectives_from_west_africa
Scholarly Activities
Non-Conference Presentations
- “Selecting the President of the USA: Design, Function, and 2020,” Stephenville Optimist Club, January 22nd, 2020
- Constitution Day guest speaker, debate with Dr. Howard concerning the electoral college, September 17th, 2019
- “Politics in Southern Africa,” Guest Lecture for Dr. Heather Mathewson’s African Ecology course, May 20th, 2019
- “The Supreme Court Selection Process: Design vs. Function,” Debate with Dr. Charles Howard and Dr. Craig Clifford, Honor’s College, TSU, February 13th, 2019 “2018 Midterm Election Analysis,” guest presenter for the Honor’s College, TSU, November 8th, 2018
- “Federalism: Past, Present, and Future,” Guest Presentation to the Cross Timbers Republican Women Club, April 19th, 2018
- “Politics in Southern Africa,” Guest Lecture for Dr. Thomas Schwertner’s African Ecology course, May 22nd, 2017
- “Nationalism versus Federalism,” Presentation to the Optimist Club of Stephenville, TX, April 19th, 2017
- “Comparative Politics and Africa,” Guest Lecture for Dr. Madhavi Devasher’s Comparative Politics course, University of New Hampshire, April 12th, 2017
- “Support for Naturalization or Deportation in Cote d’Ivoire,” Social Science colloquium, Tarleton State University, November 14th, 2016
- “Attitudes about Immigration in Cote d’Ivoire,” Faculty Research Forum, Tarleton State University, October 27th, 2016
- “Non-Machiavellian Careers,” Faculty Research Forum, Honors College, Tarleton State University, October 4th, 2016
- “Different Methods for Different Questions,” Guest Lecture for Dr. Eric Morrow’s Political Science Capstone course, September 28th, 2016
- “Experiences in Africa,” Presentation to the Rotary Club of Stephenville, TX, April 14th, 2016
- “Experiences in Africa,” Presentation to the Optimist Club of Stephenville, TX, March 30th, 2016
- International Women’s Day Guest Speaker, IUGB, 8 March 2015
- Dakar to Port Loko: Perspectives from West Africa, Special Film Screening Event (plus Q and A with filmmaker)
— Tarleton State University, November 15th, 2018
—Tarleton State University, March 28th, 2016
— University of St. Thomas (Minnesota), November 16th, 2011
— University of Cheikh anta Diop, December 9th, 2009
— Sierra College (Nevada County Campus), May 8th, 2009
— Columbia University, April 29th, 2009
— Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 27th, 2009
— San Francisco State University, February 26th, 2009
—African Studies Lecture Series, UC Berkeley, February 24th, 2009
—World Premiere, Yale University, February 5th, 2009
Workshop Discussant
- Program on Order, Conflict and Violence, Yale University, 23 March 2012;
- Program on Order, Conflict and Violence, Yale University, November 9th, 2011; 3rd Annual
- Graduate Student Conference on Order, Conflict and Violence, Harvard-Yale-MIT, April 19th, 2008, Comparative Politics Workshop, Yale University, 2007;
- Comparative Politics Workshop, Yale University, 2006.
Professional Affiliations
American Political Science Association
- Representation & Electoral Systems
- Elections, Public Opinion, & Voting Behavior
Presidents & Executive Politics - Migration & Citizenship
Foreign Policy - African Politics Conference Group
- Ph.D. in political science, Yale University, May 2013 (examination fields: African politics, comparative politics, and international relations)
- M.Phil. in political science, Yale University, May 2009
- M.A. in political science, Yale University, May 2007
- B.A. in international relations (major) and African area studies (minor), San Francisco State University, May 2002 (Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa)