Courses Taught
- PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy
- GSTU 3398: General Studies Career Skills
- GSTU 4398: General Studies Capstone
- “‘A Vague, Invarious Delight’: Ezra Pound’s ‘Middle-Aging Care’ and Bernard Hart’s Psychology of the Complex,” Literature of the Americas, no. 7, 2019.
- “‘Mandate of Eros’: The Disease of Love in Eliot, Pound, and British Psychology,” Contemporary Studies in Modernism, no. 12, 2018.
- “Menippean Satire and Carnivalism in Ezra Pound’s ‘Pisan Canto 74,’” Ezra Pound and the Spanish World, Clemson University Press, forthcoming.
- “Ezra Pound,” Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, ABC-CLIO, forthcoming.
- “Marianne Moore,” Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, ABC-CLIO, forthcoming.
- “Gertrude Stein,” Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, ABC-CLIO, forthcoming.
- “William Carlos Williams,” Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, ABC-CLIO, forthcoming.
Selected Poetry
- “Uncle Sam, The Repo Man,” Ezra’s Book, Clemson University Press, 2019.
- “Gold Rush,” Ezra’s Book, Clemson University Press, 2019.
- “The Americaniad,” Ezra’s Book, Clemson University Press, 2019.
- “We Are Singing the West,” The Common Language Project Anthology, The Writer’s Garret, 2018.
- “The Catlin Staircase, Smithsonian American Art Museum,” The Ekphrastic Review, 2018.
- “The Legend of Indigo Jones,” Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, 47, 2018.
- “Red River Snagging,” Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, 47, 2018.
- “Paper Money,” A Packet of Poems for Ezra Pound, Clemson University Press, 2017.
- “Race and a Rebel,” A Packet of Poems for Ezra Pound, Clemson University Press, 2017.
- “The Americaniad.” White Rock Zine Machine, vol. 3, 2017.
- “Peleus.” Ramify: The Journal of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017.
- “Paper Money,” Make It New, vol. 2, no. 2, 2015.
- “The Exchange, January 1923.” Ramify: The Journal of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 35, 2014.
Selected Book Reviews
- Review of View from the Stork Building: Chinese Variations, by Joe Survant, Make It New, vol. 6, no. 1, forthcoming.
- Review of The Art of Looking: How to Read Modern and Contemporary Art, by Lance Esplund. Make It New, vol. 5, no. 1, 2019.
- Review of The Humility of the Brutes: Poems, by Ron Smith. Deep South Magazine, April 2018.
- Review of For the Common Good: A New History of Higher Education in America, by Charles Dorn. Make It New, vol. 4, no. 4, 2018.
- Review of Pagan Virtue in a Christian World: Sigismondo Malatesta and the Italian Renaissance, by Anthony F. D’Elia. Make It New, vol. 3, no. 4, 2017.
- Review of The Duke’s Assassin: Exile and Death of Lorenzino de Medici, by Stefano Dall’Aglio. Make It New, vol. 3, no. 3, 2017.
- Review of America’s Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve, by Roger Lowenstein. Make It New, vol. 2, no. 4, 2016.
Selected Presentations and Invited Talks
- 2019 “Texas Poetry.” The World is Bare Now: Nature and Human Flourishing, Braniff Conference in the Liberal Arts, University of Dallas, Dallas, Texas.
- 2018 “Modernist Poetry and Modern Psychology.” University of New Orleans Ezra Pound Center for Literature, Brunnenburg Castle Museum, Dorf Tirol, Italy.
- 2020 “The Sweet New Friendship of Dante and Cavalcanti in La Vita Nuova,” The Art of Spiritual Friendship. Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX.
- 2019 “The Rhetoric of Solitude: Antithesis in John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions.” The Christian Storyteller. Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX.
- 2019 “‘Las Cosas Más Necias y También Las Más Sublimes’: Satire and Insanity in Cervantes, Galdós, and Pound.” Ezra Pound and the Spanish World. Ezra Pound International Conference, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
- 2019 “‘Love Torturing Itself to Emotion’: Portraits of Hysteria in Eliot and Wagner.” The Image and the Word: Interactions between American Literature, Media, Visual Arts and Film. Spanish Association for American Studies, Salamanca, Spain.
- 2019 “Open Educational Resources and Opening Doors for Tarleton Students.” 16th Annual Excellence in Teaching Conference, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX.
- 2017 “American Prophet, Texas Poet: The Legend of Townes Van Zandt’s ‘Pancho and Lefty.’” Seminar on Bob Dylan and Poetic Song Verse. Association of Literary Scholars, Critics and Writers, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX.
- 2017 “‘Mandate of Eros’: Erotic Love in Hugh Selwyn Mauberley.” Ezra Pound, Philadelphia Genius, and Modern American Poetry. Ezra Pound International Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. PA.
- 2017 “The Non-Action of Rest: A Rhetorical Analysis of Michael Faraday’s Experimental Researches in Electricity.” Bridging Divides, Crossing Borders, Community Building: Core Texts, Liberal Arts, College and the Human Voice. Association for Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference, Austin College, Dallas, TX.
- 2016 “The Rhetoric of Virtue: Persuasion and Law in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.” Tradition, Renewal: Continuity and Change in Core Text, Liberal Arts Programs. Association for Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference, Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA.
- 2015 “‘Those Written Records Pure’: Liberty and Doctrine in Milton’s Paradise Regained.” Christianity and Culture: The Interaction of Faith and Literature through the Ages. Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX.
- 2015 “A ‘Mind Leaping Like Dolphins’: Ezra Pound and the Psychology of Pierre Janet.” Ezra Pound and the Green World. Ezra Pound International Conference, Brunnenburg Castle Museum, Dorf Tirol, Italy.
- 2015 “‘Frankness as Never Before’: Ezra Pound’s Enigmatic Regard for Liberty and Totalitarianism.” Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
Scholarly Activities
Selected Awards and Grants
- 2019 Finalist: “Appalachia Sown,” Julia Darling Memorial Poetry Prize, Kallisto Gaia Press.
- 2019 Faculty Development Grant, Center for Instructional Innovation, Tarleton State University
- 2018 Hayek Fund for Scholars, Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University
- 2014 Professional Development Grant, Toyota Alumni Fund, Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts
- 2013 Hayek Fund for Scholars, Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University
Professional Affiliations
- Association for Literary Scholars, Critics and Writers
- Modern Language Association
- European Association for American Studies
- Spanish Association for American Studies
- Kenneth Burke Society
- Ezra Pound Society
- Texas Poetry Society
- National Federation of State Poetry Societies
- Ph.D. (cum laude) in Philology, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Salamanca, 2020.
- Ph.D. (with distinction) in Literature, University of Dallas, 2017.
- M.A. in English, University of Dallas, 2015.
- B.A. (faculty academic excellence award) in Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, 2012.