Courses Taught
- GOVT 2305 – Federal Government
- POLS 3308 – International Politics
- POLS 3314 – Comparative Politics
- POLS 4315 – Foreign Policy
- Editor, American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective: The World is Watching. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books, 2019.
- Author. Neoconservatives in U.S. Foreign Policy Under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush: Voices Behind the Throne. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press and The Wilson Center, 2010.
- A Spanish Translation of this book was published by the Fondo de Cultura Economica in September, 2016 under the title: La Derecha Radical en el Partido Republicano de Reagan a Trump. The book includes a new long epilogue for the Spanish readers on American politics crisis and the emergence of Donald Trump.
- Co-Editor with Rodolfo de la Garza. Bridging the Border: Transforming Mexico-U.S. Relations. Boulder, Rowman and Littlefield, 1997.
- Book in Progress
- Seducing America: The Relationship Between the Mexican Government and American Transnational Intellectuals, 1920-2006. (Manuscript will be finished by the Fall of 2020).
- Co-editors with Tony Payan, Director of the Mexican Center at Rice University; and Alfonso Lopez de la Osa, Director of the Center for US and Mexican Law at the University of Houston of, The Future of US-Mexican Relations: Foresight to 2040, Houston University Press, Forthcoming, July 2020.
- With Tony Payan, and Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano, “Introduction,” in Forthcoming in Tony Payan, Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano and Jesus Velasco (Eds). The Future of US-Mexican Relations: Strategic Foresight. Houston, Texas, Arte Público Press, 2020.
- With Tony Payan, and Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano, “Conclusions,” in Forthcoming in Tony Payan, Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano and Jesus Velasco (Eds). The Future of US-Mexican Relations: Strategic Foresight. Houston, Texas, Arte Público Press, 2020.
- With Joy Langston “Political and Economic Trends in Mexico and their Effects on US-Mexico’s Bilateral Relationship,” Forthcoming in Tony Payan, Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano and Jesus Velasco (Eds). The Future of US-Mexican Relations: Strategic Foresight Houston, Texas, Arte Público Press, 2020. Houston, Texas, Arte Público Press, 2020.
- For a full list of articles, please see the curriculum vitae
- University of Uppsala, Sweden. – “Are US-Mexican Relations in Crisis? Lopez Obrador, Donald Trump, and the Future of the Bilateral Relation,” June 3, 2019.
- University of Uppsala, Sweden. – “Building a Straw Man: President Trump, the Media, and the Immigration Crisis,” May 28th, 2019.
- University of Stockholm, Sweden – “Migration and Security in the time of Trump: The Case of Mexico and Central America, May, 29th, 2019
- For a full list of presentations, please see the curriculum vitae
Scholarly Activities
- Organization of International Seminar at Tarleton State University and the Center for Teaching and Research in Economics (CIDE).
- Project to help Tarleton State University achieve designation as Hispanic Serving Institution.
- Chair, Division of International Studies, Center for Teaching and Research in Economics (CIDE). September 1999-December 2002.
- September 2007, July 2008. Madero/Fundacion Fellowship, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University.
- September 2006-June 2007. Awarded by the Fulbright Commission. Ten Months Research Residence at Harvard University.
- September 2006-June 2007. Foundation Harvard in Mexico.
- December-June 2004. Awarded by the Woodrow Wilson Center – Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales Mexico Public Policy Scholars Program 2004-2005 for a six-month academic residence at Washington, D.C.
- Member of El Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI). (National Society of Researchers. Elected for membership to the SNI. This is the highest academic association in Mexico.) 1996-2010.
Professional Affiliations
- Contributing Expert and Scholar – Mexican Center, Rice University.
- Ph.D. Political Science. Department of Government, The University of Texas at Austin. (August, 1995).
- B.A. in History. Universidad Iberoamericana, Department of History. Mexico City. (September 1976-August 1980).