How do I find more information on my program of interest?
Tarleton has over 30 master’s and doctoral programs for you to choose from. Learn more about our degree programs.
What is the cost of attendance?
Tarleton is one of the most affordable institutions in Texas! Estimate your tuition with the tuition calculator available on Tarleton’s website.
What is the application process?
The application process is easy! See step-by-step instructions here.
How long does it take to process my application?
The turnaround time generally depends upon how quickly we receive your required documents. The more efficient you are at getting us the documents we need, the more quickly we can make an admissions decision.
What scholarships does Tarleton offer to grad students?
Tarleton has many scholarships available to grad students. Better yet, you can apply for all of these scholarships on one form! See the General Scholarship form on Tarleton’s Scholarship website.
How do I qualify for Financial Aid?
Financial aid helps make graduate school affordable. Submit the FAFSA early to determine eligibility. Find the FAFSA online, and learn more about financial aid at Tarleton here.
Where do I send my official transcripts?
Transcripts need to be sent to our Stephenville office, or may be sent electronically to grad-docs@tarleton.edu.
What is the application deadline?
Deadlines may vary by program, but in general, the application deadline is approximately one week prior to the beginning of class.
What are the application fees?
Apply to Graduate Studies at Tarleton for a low application fee of $50. For convenience, you can pay your application fee online.
How do I check my application status?
Check your application status anytime and anywhere! Click here to get started.
Where do I buy my books?
The Campus Bookstore is a convenient place to get your books! You may also search the web. Watch this short video on how to search the entire web for your books with just one click.
Can I transfer graduate courses into Tarleton?
Generally, up to 12 hours of coursework from another institution can transfer into a degree from Tarleton. Check with your program advisor for more information.
How do I find out about graduate assistantships?
Graduate assistantships are a great way to enhance your Tarleton experience! Positions are posted on Handshake. Learn more about GA positions here.
Do I need a degree plan?
All students must have a degree plan in order to be considered for graduation. The catalog of the academic year you were first granted admission is your official contract. However, since courses are selected by you and approved by your advisor to fulfill degree requirements, the degree plan is the official record of courses taken that will apply toward your declared degree program. Consult with your advisor to ensure accurate records of all courses transferred from other institutions and course substitutions.
How do I apply for graduation?
An application for graduation must be submitted online through myGateway/DuckTrax by the date stated on the graduation website.
How do I get a copy of the thesis manual?
Copies of the Tarleton State University Thesis Manual, as well as additional thesis and dissertation forms, are available online.
If I did not attend Tarleton for one semester how do I register for classes?
If a student has not attended Tarleton for one semester and wishes to return they need to fill out a Graduate Student Reactivation Form and submit the completed form to grad-docs@tarleton.edu. This is only for students who have not graduated and are returning under the same major as before.
How do I register if I have not attended Tarleton for one year?
In order for a student to return to Tarleton after not attending for one year they must submit a new application for admission along with the $50 application fee.
What tuition rate do I pay as a graduate assistant?
Out-of-state graduate students are eligible to pay in state tuition and fee rates under any one of the following criteria. Employment as a GA with:
- GA assistantship in any category except GA non-teaching
- Scholarship award of $1,000
- Military Service (See Tarleton’s Office of Veteran Services)
As a graduate student, what honors can I graduate with? Cum laude? Magna Cum laude?
Graduate Students are expected to maintain a high level of academic performance; therefore, no academic honors are bestowed upon graduation.
For further questions, please contact the College of Graduate Studies at gradinfo@tarleton.edu or 254-968-9104.