The purpose of this program is to provide financial incentive for a student to complete their bachelor’s degree with as few courses outside their degree plan as possible. Minimizing the number of courses taken by a student results in financial savings to the student, their parents, and the state.
Application Qualifications
Tuition Rebate Forms are due the Friday before your graduation ceremony. Tuition Rebate forms cannot be submitted until the semester you apply for graduation. Forms received before or after these timelines will NOT be accepted.
- Students who took their first college courses in Fall 1997 or later;
- Students who have been Texas residents at all times while pursuing their degree;
- Students who have been entitled to pay in-state tuition rates at all times while pursuing the degree; and
- Students who have not yet graduated.
View Tuition Rebate Application
Key Eligibility Requirements
Students qualify for the $1000 rebate if they have attempted no more than three semester credit hours in excess of the minimum number of hours require for their degree (including all W’s and F’s). Beginning with students admitted for the first time in Fall 2005, a student must also graduate in a timely manner to earn the tuition rebate. According to the most recent revision of the law governing the tuition rebate program, a student who wants to qualify to receive the rebate must graduate within four calendar years for a four-year degree or within five calendar years for a five-year degree “if the degree is in architecture, engineering, or any other program determined by the Texas Coordinating Board to require more than four years to complete.” Although there are certain exceptions for hardship situations, most part-time students will no longer be eligible to receive the tuition rebate.
How Can I Apply?
Each university administers the tuition program on campus. Students must apply for the tuition rebate, prior to receiving their bachelor’s degree, using forms provided by their college or university.
You may pick up the form at the Registrar’s Office or you can fill out the $1000 Tuition Rebate Form online.
I Applied. What now?
Applications will be kept on file in the Registrar’s office until the graduation term indicated on the application. At the end of each term, all applicants will be evaluated to determine if they meet qualifications. Applicants will be notified of the decision through their go.tarleton email account 6 to 8 weeks following graduation.
I Was Approved. What Now?
Tuition rebates will be applied to any outstanding student loan owed to or guaranteed by the State of Texas. If a student has more than one outstanding student loan. Tarleton State University will apply the amount of the rebate to loans as directed by the student. If the student fails to provide timely instructions on the application of the amount, Tarleton State University will apply the amount of the rebate to the loans with the highest interest rate first. If a student has no outstanding loans, a rebate check will be issued to the student. Funds will be dispersed 6 to 8 weeks following notice of rebate approval.
What Could Disqualify an Individual?
Attempted hours include every course for which the student has registered, as of the official Census Date, in every semester, including: developmental courses taken for credit, repeated courses, and courses from which the student withdraws (dropped courses as well as withdrawal from the college or university). If a student has dropped more than one course after the official Census Date, he or she will probably not qualify for the rebate. A recent change in the law allows the first nine hours of credit earned by examination (credit earned on the basis of AP courses, CLEP, or credit granted for high SAT or ACT scores) to be exempt. Additionally, dual credit hours taken in high school for both high school and college credit are exempt.
Where Can I Get Additional Information?
Find additional information for the $1000 Tuition Rebate program at College for Texans.
To read more about this program, please see Texas Education Code Section 54.0065, Coordinating Board Rules, Chapter 13, Subchapter E
Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.