Tarleton State University is proud of our unique history and continually promotes its traditions. Many of these traditions have a special connection with commencement.

International Flags
Tarleton is committed to being a globally-oriented university that welcomes students from a wide range of ethnicities, religions, cultures and life experiences. In celebration of Tarleton’s community of international students, we proudly present the flags of their home countries at each commencement ceremony. Currently, we have students from approximately 30 countries around the world.
University Mace
Dating from the Middle Ages, the mace is a ceremonial staff traditionally displayed as a symbol of individual or institutional authority and prestige. The Tarleton State University Mace represents the power of higher education to shape lives and improve society. It is borne by the Provost at the head of academic processions. Turned out of walnut, it features a headpiece with cast bronze Tarleton seals. Crowning the headpiece, a three-dimensional, bronze-plated flame of knowledge sits above three bronze bands representing Tarleton’s past, present and future.

Purple Pigs
Graduating members of the TTS/TTP (Purple Poo) will hand the President a purple pig as they cross the stage.
Tassels have long been part of graduation regalia. Tassels are worn on the caps of undergraduates on the right side until they receive the bachelor’s degree. A time-honored tradition at commencement ceremonies involves the symbolic movement of the tassel from the right to the left. Students will be given this opportunity during the commencement ceremony.

Turning Rings
Turning Rings is an important tradition at our commencement ceremonies. At the university’s official ring ceremony, we ask that you wear your ring with the “T” facing in until you graduate. For those graduates who wear a Tarleton Class Ring, they will be given the opportunity to turn their ring so the “T” faces out during the commencement ceremony so the world will then know the student is a Tarleton grad.
Color Song
“Oh! Our hearts with joy are thrilling
when the Tarleton Colors wave,
And our Spirits rise with rapture
when the Tarleton sons are brave;
Fight for Victory, Fight for Honor,
And success will crown the fight;
All hail the proud defenders of the
Purple and the White!”