InterFraternity Council
Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body of the all-men fraternities at Tarleton State University who are members of The National Interfraternity Conference (NIC). There are 8 IFC fraternities at Tarleton State University that participate in formal men’s recruitment, have financial commitments and academic requirements.
IFC Men’s Recruitment
Fall 2024 Recruitment
- September 8th-13th, 2024
- Registration link for fall IFC Recruitment is open
- To sign up for IFC recruitment is free!!!!!! If you choose to accept a bid at the end of the week, there is a $50 bid signing fee for each new member which is paid by debit card on the day you receive your invitation for membership (bid).

InterFraternity Council (IFC)

Alpha Gamma Rho
Beta Sigma Chapter
- Philanthropy: National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Motto: “To Make Better Men”
- Colors: Dark Green and Gold
- Symbol: Sickle and Sheaf
- Flower: Pink Rose
- Founded Locally: October 3, 1992
- Founded Nationally: October 10, 1904

Delta Chi
Tarleton Chapter
- Founded Locally: April 13, 1988
- Founded Nationally: October 13, 1890
- Philanthropy: The Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research
- Motto: “Leges” (Law)
- Colors: Red and Buff
- Symbol: Greek Letters Delta Chi
- Flower: White Carnation

Farm House
Alpha Gamma Chapter
- Founded Locally: March 11, 2012
- Founded Nationally: April 15, 1905
- Philanthropy: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- Motto: “Builder of Men”
- Colors: Green, Gold and White
- Symbol: Sickle and Sheaf
- Flower: Red and White Roses

Kappa Sigma
Upsilon Omega Chapter
- Founded Locally: December 10, 2022
- Founded Nationally: December 10, 1869
- Philanthropy: A Greater Cause; Military Heroes Campaign
- Motto: A Brotherhood Like No Other
- Colors: Scarlet, White, and Emerald Green
- Symbol: Star and Crescent
- Flower: Lily of the Valley

Kappa Delta Rho
Zeta Beta Chapter
- Founded Locally: April 22, 1989
- Founded Nationally: May 17, 1905
- Motto: Honor Super Omnia (Honor above all things)
- Philanthropy: KDR Kids
- Symbols: Balance, Sheaf and Book
- Colors: Middlebury Blue and Princeton Orange

Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi-Rho Zeta Chapter
- Founded Locally: April 19, 1986
- Founded Nationally: November 2, 1909
- Philanthropy: Feeding America
- Motto: “Vir Quisque Vir” (Every Man a Man); and “Χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά” (Naught Without Labor)
- Colors: Purple, Green and Gold
- Symbol: Cross and Crescent
- Flower: White Tutor Rose

Phi Kappa Sigma
Epsilon Alpha Chapter
- Founded Locally: April 30, 2016
- Founded Nationally: August 16, 1850
- Philanthropy: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Motto: “Stellis Aequus Durando” (equal to the stars and endurance)
- Colors: Black and Old Gold
- Symbol: Maltese Cross
- Flower: Yellow Chrysanthemum

Sigma Chi
Kappa Xi Chapter
- Founded Locally: September 28, 1996
- Founded Nationally: June 28, 1855
- Philanthropy: Huntsman Cancer Institute
- Motto: “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (In This Sign You Shall Conquer)
- Colors: Blue and Old Gold
- Symbol: The White Cross
- Flower: White Rose