The Department of History, Geography and GIS encourages and supports students interested in gaining work experience as an intern. Our students have benefited from internships in museums, government, corporate offices, and as research assistants and field workers. Internships often lead to jobs and provide valuable networking and workplace training for future endeavors. Checkout some of the opportunities below, or reach out to Dr. Deborah Liles for other internship opportunities in History-related fields or Dr. Yolanda Tsang for internship opportunities in the fields of Geography and GIS.

Intern at the W.K. Gordon Museum and Research Center for Industrial History of Texas

Who is eligible?

Any Tarleton graduate or undergraduate student?

How will I benefit?

This internship will provide valuable experience working in a museum setting. You will develop skills in research, writing, and customer service. This is an especially good opportunity for students interested in history, community studies, and museum management.


The W. K. Gordon Center is located in Thurber, Texas, about 30 minutes from Tarleton’s Stephenville campus. To inquire about open positions, contact the Director of the W. K Gordon Center, Mary Adams, at

Work as a History Research Intern

Your job may include transcribing historic documents, programming, artifact preservation, digitizing, cataloguing, conducting outreach in communities, planning and working special events, and all aspects of historical research.

For more information contact Dr. Liles at