Studies and Criteria
Below is a list of criteria for our ongoing studies. If you fit any of the criteria below and are interested in being a participant, then feel free to contact us.
Motor Unit Firing Behavioral Properties during a Blood Flow Restricted Exercise
We’re currently recruiting participants for our upcoming research study, the Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Summer Study. This 4-week training program aims to delve into the neuromuscular factors underlying strength gains achieved through blood flow restricted exercise. We are looking for individuals aged 18 to 35 years to participate in this study. By participating, you’ll contribute to a deeper understanding of this training method, particularly its benefits for the clinical population. Blood flow restricted exercise represents an innovative approach that involves training with slight discomfort due to muscle fatigue during contractions. This study will provide crucial insights for clinicians seeking a better grasp of this exercise modality and its applicability. If you decide to participate, you will be randomly assigned to either the blood flow restriction (BFR) group or the control group. The study involves a familiarization session, testing sessions, and training sessions. All testing and training will take place in our Human Performance Laboratory. Upon completion of the study, participants will also receive training for the opposite limb to ensure symmetry and prevent any potential injury risks arising from functional imbalances.
To take part, there are specific requirements you’ll need to meet:
· Attend a total of 8 training sessions, 2 testing sessions, and a familiarization session, amounting to 11 sessions in total.
· Abstain from consuming caffeine or alcohol within 24 hours before testing or training sessions.
· Refrain from engaging in lower body resistance training or endurance training throughout the study.
Before making your decision, we’d like to ask you a few quick questions to ensure that this study aligns with your profile:
· Do you have any cardiovascular diseases (such as hypertension), neurodegenerative diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, or current injuries of your ankle joint?
· Have you engaged in lower body resistance training or endurance training at least twice a week in the past 6 months? (We are specifically looking for untrained individuals.)
· If you were to kick a ball, which leg would you use? (We are seeking participants who are right-leg dominant.)
If you’re enthusiastic about participating or have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via email at or send a text to Kase Pennartz at 940-626-9638 to schedule your involvement. Your commitment can significantly contribute to our research objectives. Thank you for considering being part of our study!
Hours and Contact Info
Lab Facility

Box T-0370, Stephenville, TX 76402
Phone: 254-968-9079
We are open year round, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Appointment times may vary based on service provide .