Why Should Students Participate in the Intern2Learn Program?
The Intern2Learn program:
- Provides resume building work experience
- Meets the requirements for an ALE internship experience
- Offers competitive wages with room for promotion!
- Assistant Intern: $8.00/hour
- Associate Intern: $9.00/hour
- Senior Intern: $10.00/hour
Want to participate?
Download the Student Information Packet for further details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can participate in Intern2Learn?
Internships have been developed across a broad range of areas and locations within Tarleton State University. All Intern2Learn openings are posted on Handshake.
Student interns must be:
- An undergraduate student in good academic standing
- Currently enrolled/registered for at least 6 semester hours
- Willing to complete all responsibilities associated with the Intern2Learn program, including job duties and all documents require for the ALE experience
How can I find an Intern2Learn position?
Students that are interested in applying for an Intern2Learn position can browse and submit applications through Handshake.
Will wages from Intern2Learn be counted as part of my financial aid?
In some instances, wages from Intern2Learn may be considered part of your total financial aid package. Questions about the impact of participation in the Intern2Learn program on your financial aid should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
How does the internship qualify as an ALE experience?
The Intern2Learn program has been approved as an ALE internship experience. All Intern2Learn students will submit reflection assignments and resumes that are due at the end of both semesters of the internship. These assignments will address the ALE student learning outcomes and the resume will be the additional artifact on Portfolium as required by the ALE initiative. Students should check with their supervisor for specific due dates and details.
How is Intern2Learn different from other student employment programs?
There are multiple differences:
- Student interns work in areas related to their curriculum
- Supervisors and student interns meet monthly to discuss ALE student learning outcomes and connect their academics to the work experience
- Student interns write reflection assignments both semesters addressing the ALE student learning outcomes and submit on Portfolium
- Student interns prepare (or update semesterly) a resume as their learning artifact for the ALE experience that is posted on Portfolium
For More Information

Molly Richardson
Work-Study & Student Employment Coordinator, Career Services
Email: mrichardson2@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-968-1774