Why Should Supervisors Participate?

The Intern2Learn program provides benefits such as:

  • Pays 75% of the student intern’s wages. Your department is only responsible for the remaining 25%
  • The opportunity to hire and retain student workers through a progressive structure and wage rate
  • Allows supervisors to be more closely aligned to the mission of the University

How Do Supervisors Participate?

To learn more about participating in the Intern2Learn program, contact the Work-Study and Student Employment Coordinator, Molly Richardson, 254-968-1774 or by email at mrichardson2@tarleton.edu for assistance in determining funding availability and developing an intern position and progression. The Supervisor Program Information link listed below provides more detailed information on the program requirements and responsibilities.

Intern 2 Learn Documents



Frequently Asked Questions

How does the internship qualify as an ALE experience?

The Intern2Learn program has been approved as an ALE internship experience. All Intern2Learn students will submit reflection assignments and resumes that are due at the end of both semesters of the internship. These assignments will address the ALE student learning outcomes and the resume will be the additional artifact on Portfolium as required by the ALE initiative. Students should check with their supervisor for specific due dates and details.

Is there a budget incentive for departments to participate in the Intern2Learn program?

Yes, 75% of the Intern2Learn wages are paid from a University account, up to 225 hours/semester. The hiring department pays the remaining 25% of Intern2Learn wages.

Do positions have to be posted on Handshake?

Yes, all Intern2Learn positions are posted on Handshake to provide an opportunity for students to apply for internships.

How is Intern2Learn different from other student employment programs?

There are multiple differences:

  • Student interns work in areas related to their curriculum
  • Supervisors and student interns meet monthly to discuss ALE student learning outcomes and connect their academics to the work experience
  • Student interns write reflection assignments both semesters addressing the ALE student learning outcomes and submit on Portfolium
  • Student interns prepare (or update semesterly) a resume as their learning artifact for the ALE experience that is posted on Portfolium

How do the Intern2Learn job progressions work?

Students have the opportunity to be promoted to higher levels of responsibility and pay as their experience and knowledge level grows.

Intern2Learn has three progressive levels:

  • Assistant Intern (Title Code 7538): $8.00/hour
  • Associate Intern (Title Code 7539): $9.00/hour
  • Senior Intern (Title Code 7540): $10.00/hour

For More Information

Tarleton State University logo: a purple "T" over Texas.

Molly Richardson

Work-Study & Student Employment Coordinator, Career Services
Email: mrichardson2@tarleton.edu
Phone: 254-968-1774