Facilities and Labs

Athletic Training Facilities

The Master of Science in Athletic Training program requires hands-on clinical experience. This provides athletic training students the opportunity to assist with healthcare for the Tarleton Texan athletic teams, as well as with other off-campus facilities and teams. Each athletic training facility provides clinical experiences with specific teams:

Two men conducting a respiratory test in a lab.

Human Performance Lab (HPL)

The Human Performance Lab provide a large amount of health and fitness evaluations, such as, VO2 Max, stress testing, and lactate threshold testing. The HPL is committed to improving the quality and quantity of life for Stephenville and the surrounding communities by providing comprehensive health and fitness evaluations and programs through teaching, research, extension, and continuing education.

People engaging in a physical therapy session with exercise equipment.

Laboratory for Wellness and Motor Behavior (LWMB)

The LWMB works with individuals who have physical disabilities and provide therapies to increase mobility and health. This degree plan will prepare students for clinical careers such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, physicians assistants, etc.

Kinesiology gym with weights, benches, and exercise equipment.

Kinetic Performance Lab

The KPL facilitates a variety of programs and initiatives that contribute to the enhancement of students, the School of Kinesiology, the College of Education and Human Development, and the University. The KPL collaborates with the Tarleton Revive Wellness Program to provide free individual and group fitness training sessions to Tarleton faculty and staff (60+ per semester).  room Wisdom 205 awolfe@tarleton.edu  254-968-1721

Students working in the Sport Impact Lab at Tarleton State University.

Sport IMPACT Lab

The Sport IMPACT Lab facilitates research and applied learning experiences by working with community partners on matters related to sport management and coach development.

Purple tennis courts with green borders at Tarleton State University.

Tennis Courts

The tennis courts are home to the Texans tennis team. A recent expansion took the facility from four courts to eight. The tennis courts are located adjacent from the Kinesiology building.

Volleyball game at Tarleton State University with a full crowd.

Volleyball Gym

The Volleyball Gym is home to the Texan Volleyball team. It also hosts Kinesiology classes, as well as practices for the Texan Stars Dance Team, and the Tarleton Cheer squads.

Basketball game at Tarleton State University with a full crowd.

Wisdom Gymnasium

The Wisdom Gymnasium is home to the Texan men’s and women’s basketball teams. The court is also host to FFA contests, Texan Tour, Transition Week activities, commencement, and professional development workshops put on by the School of Kinesiology.