ADA Accommodations
The Dick Smith Library is committed to providing library resources and service for all library users. To that end, we offer the following service and resources.
Please call the circulation desk at 254-968-9450 or the reference desk at 254-968-9249 during library hours for specific requests or additional information.
Access Service
Library staff can, as warranted, assist you in obtaining print materials:
- Help you locate books, media items and periodicals
- Retrieve and hold items for you
- Deliver via off-campus service
Technological Tools
The Dick Smith Library offers a variety of technological assistance:
- Wheelchair accessible computer workstations on the main and lower floors and in the Library Instruction Classroom
- Laptops for in-library use.
- Ten desktops featuring JAWS screenreader software and Magic magnification software on the main floor of the Dick Smith Library.
The library web site is compatible with some assistive/adaptive technology:
- Adjustable font size
- Screen reader
For additional assistive/adaptive technology available in the Student Accessibility Services call 254-968-9650.
Electronic Resources
Many resources and service are available electronically which let you:
- Search the library catalog for books, media items and periodicals
- Read electronic books
- Renew checked out items using your online catalog account
- Search databases for articles and reference books
- Submit interlibrary loan requests
- Download electronic course reserves
- Request research assistance via Ask a Librarian
Accessible Parking/Facilities
The library strives to provide access to our facility in several ways:
- Reserved handicapped parking spaces adjacent to library
- See Parking Regulations and Campus Map for more information about campus parking
- Electronic door opener at front entrance
- Wheelchair ramp at front entrance
- ADA-compliant aisles and walkways