Tarleton Collection

by Frank Chamberlain
The Tarleton Collection is a compilation of photographs that chronicles the history of Tarleton State University. These pictures feature campus landmarks, educational facilities, student organizations, faculty members, and numerous events that have collectively shaped the rich history of the college.
The Cross Timbers Historic Images project is extremely grateful for the participation of several local sources that have generously provided the photos that compose the bulk of this database. The Stephenville Museum has been an indispensable source for our collection. Bill Hensley, the director of the museum, scanned numerous pictures from their immense archive and converted those images to CD to suit our purposes. He has also allowed our researchers to rummage through the museum documents in search of pertinent (and hopefully, interesting) information about the photos.
Tarleton State University has also played a vital part in the success of our work. Donna Strohmeyer and the Department of Student Services provided us with access to their copious collection of photographs. She allowed us to keep these files for often extended periods of time while the pictures were being scanned and categorized.
Finally, the university archives at the Dick Smith Library have proved to be a wealth of pictorial and historical information. The library staff let us have unlimited access to their files and were unceasingly helpful in locating useful articles and photographs.
Without the support and cooperation of these people and institutions, the Cross Timbers Historic Images project would face a formidable task. Their generosity has made our work infinitely more manageable.