Library Instruction

Library instruction sessions, tailored to instructor specifications, can include any of the following topics. See our session topic outline for more details.

  • Research Tools, Tips & Strategies
    • Match sources to information needs.
    • Develop search strategies and apply them.
    • Evaluate sources.
    • Locate items using citation information and cite sources.
    • Obtain items via interlibrary loan and TexShare.
  • Walk-About & Virtual Tours
    • Service Facilities, and Resources
  • Special Interest Topics
    • Instructor-requested topics: advanced database features, plagiarism, “cited by” searches, etc.

Guidelines and Contact Information

Please request sessions early to ensure library staff availability. A week or more in advance is ideal.

As the course instructor, you decide the length, type, and location of the session.

Sessions can be lecture and/or hands-on format and held in various locations:

  • Stephenville campus: Library Training Center, campus computer lab, or classroom.
  • Other campuses: campus computer lab or classroom.
Students in a computer lab, one wearing a Tarleton State University shirt.

Library Instruction Request

Please supply 2 preferred dates for your library instruction session.

Library staff will respond via e-mail or telephone to confirm date/location and discuss specifics for the session.

Requirements for library sessions in campus computer labs and classrooms:

  • Instructors must make arrangements to use a campus computer lab. Campus computer lab contact information.
  • Classrooms must have Internet connectivity. On the reservation form, please indicate if the room has a projector.

For more information, please contact