Engagement & Research Services

Two people working at a library desk with a computer.

The Engagement & Research Services Department oversees the reference desk, provides general reference assistance as well as research support, and offers information literacy and academic engagement sessions.

Online resources include a web based library catalog and over 200 indexes and databases, many with full text sources.

If you questions or concerns, please visit the Reference Desk or contact us at 254-968-9249 or reference@tarleton.edu.

Library Instruction

Working in collaboration with faculty, our instruction services support the development of information literacy practices. Our goal is to assist students in understanding how to access, use, evaluate, and create information. Instruction sessions are available for on campus, hybrid, and online courses.

Depending on the needs of the course, these sessions can include:

  • Physical or virtual tours of library services and resources,
  • Developing search strategies to find relevant and reliable information from library databases,
  • Evaluating information sources,
  • Avoiding plagiarism,
  • And More.

See our Library Instruction Sessions outline  for ideas on other potential topics.

Guidelines and Contact Information

Please request sessions early to ensure library staff availability. A week or more in advance is ideal.

As the course instructor, you decide the length, type, and location of the session.

Sessions can be lecture and/or hands-on format and held in various locations:

  • Stephenville: Library Training Center, campus computer lab, or classroom.
  • Other locations: computer lab or classroom.

Requirements for library sessions in campus computer labs and classrooms:

  • Instructors must make arrangements to use a campus computer lab. Campus computer lab contact information.
  • Classrooms must have Internet connectivity. On the reservation form, please indicate if the room has a projector.

For more information, please contact:

Brandon Assmann

Faculty Services Librarian
Graduate & Faculty Services
254-968 -9030

Kimberly Gragg

Coordinator of Undergraduate Services
Engagement and Research Services

Viviana Hornick

Undergraduate Services Librarian
Rickett Library

Adam Keim

Coordinator of Graduate & Faculty Services
Engagement and Research Services

Allison Nolan

Undergraduate Services Librarian
Engagement and Research Services

Erik Peace

Rickett Library Manager
Rickett Library – Fort Worth

Joshua Wallace

Graduate Services Librarian
Graduate & Faculty Services