The purpose for library computer workstations is to provide access to information that enhances and supports the educational, instructional, and research-related activities of Tarleton students, faculty, and staff. Preference in the use of the workstations is given to Tarleton’s educational community. Guests may obtain a pass to use the workstations, but they must remain on the main level in order to facilitate the staff’s assistance.
The information resources available are intended to supplement and complement the collections of Dick Smith Library. Tarleton library staff offer assistance, guidance and instruction in the use of these resources, but they have no control over information accessed by way of library computers. Lawful access to materials is not restricted, in compliance with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, users assume responsibility for appropriate use of the workstations in accordance with Tarleton State Computer Use Regulations. Users are expected to comply with United States copyright law and fair use policies. They may not use the computers for commercial gain or to commit unlawful acts. They may not alter the workstation’s properties or load other software.
In accordance with library policy, guest users must be sixteen years of age or over.
Laptop Circulation Policies
Laptop computers are provide by the Dick Smith Library for the use and convenience of Tarleton State University students and employees. They represent a significant investment in providing users with alternative access to technology in addition to the online terminals. We hope incorporating a wireless environment in the library will allow more flexibility for our users in a comfortable learning environment. We expect all users to maintain respect for the equipment and the rights of other patrons.
- Users checking out laptops must use a valid Tarleton ID.
- Laptops are for in Library Use Only, they may not leave the building.
- Loan period is 4 hours.
User Responsibilities
- Users are responsible for the laptop and all its components and accessories while on loan.
- Never leave the laptop unattended.
- Users should save all work to an USB drive, your network “T”; drive, or a cloud-based service Library laptops are routinely wiped clean.
- Anti-virus software is installed on all laptops; the Library is not responsible for any computer viruses that may be transferred during use.
- Do not rely on the laptop clock for correct time.
Returning Laptops
- Return the laptop promptly at or before the time it is due to avoid costly fines.
- All laptops are due at least 15 minutes before closing.
- Laptops must be returned to the kiosk from which they were borrowed. Failure to do so may result in fines.
- Late fees will be assessed at $15.00/hour increments, with an initial 10 minute grace period.
- 10+ minutes late = $15.00.
- 60+ minutes late = $30.00, etc.
The Systems Librarian will perform a final check of the machine before each user can be completely cleared. Final checks are generally run Monday – Friday during normal business hours. You will be notified if any problems are found.
Computer Use
The Tarleton Libraries welcome and encourage guests to use our resources. All visitors must use
information technology and electronic communications in a responsible manner and in compliance with
Tarleton’s IT Standards for All Users and the Student Conduct Code section 5.3: Misuse of Computing
Tarleton and other University students with proper ID have priority access to Library computers over
guest users.
Wireless Access:
“Tarleton-Visitors” is the network for visitors who are not Tarleton affiliated but require Internet
access while at a Tarleton location. NOTE: Tarleton email addresses may not be used to register as a
Visitor wireless accounts will expire exactly 3 days from the time they are created. Expired accounts
are removed at midnight each night. Once an account is removed, users can request a new account
for their next visit.
Inhouse Access:
- Visitors may purchase a Friends of the Dick Smith Library membership or show a valid TexShare card from a participating institution.
- Guests must provide a valid ID at the information desk to obtain a temporary username and password.
- Guests must use computers on the main level to facilitate the staff’s assistance.
- Guests should limit their computer time to two (2) hours.
- Dick Smith Library
- Printing is $.05/per single-sided or $.08/per double-sided page using a guest printer card from the Texan Card Kiosk; charges are non-refundable.
- Rickett Library
- Printing is not available for guest users.